
Based or more gynocentrism? Genuinely curious cause I think there’s a case for both.

@Pain66 He did the right thing, but he could do better. He should have sent his daughter to all-girl school if he didn’t want her to have sex.

@Pain66 The father of the daughter shouldn't have let them be together unchaperoned. That would have avoided the whole situation. He also should have explained to the boy why he was angry, and smacked his daughter for disobeying as well. The argument can't be made that the boy is the responsible one and thus worthy of a punch in the nose because neither of them are of age--worthy of being kicked out, sure. Marriage and romance should never be about feelings. It is about family.

@DoubleD @Pain66 No no, punching boys in the face for the father's mistakes is Based!!

@Pain66 I'll tell you what's based, going to his house again and fucking the daughter while he's in jail.

@Pain66 It's based. Fathers should not tolerate squeakers trying to deflower their daughters. If you'd prefer a woman with no body count, then you have to take the father's side.

That said, why was he letting her bring dudes to his house in the first place?

@Pain66 - I think it all depends on the context. In a patriarchy, it would've been perfectly acceptable, and perhaps even based.

But under the current structure, it's a gynocentric setup that accomplishes nothing. That daughter is still going to fuck a sports team in one night, at some point before she graduates.

The father is attempting to maintain the illusion of control over his daughter, at the expense of a young lad's face. ➡️

@Pain66 - ➡️ I have a boy around that age, 🤔 and if it were him... Me and the girl's father would have a discussion.

But this is just matriarchy in action. It always returns a bitter harvest. The giveaway is that there were likely zero negative consequences for the daughter. No ass whipping there... and that is equally appropriate as hitting the lad.

@YoMomz @Pain66

The father greenlighted letting a horny boy into his horny daughter's bedroom.

By any account that is dumb as all hell. It effectively communicates to both kids "I'm basically OK with it, but I'll give you extra hoops to jump through. Wink."

This is the non-religious in a nutshell, stumbling from one parenting moral crisis to the next, and no clue as to why or why not X behavior is OK or not. Religious fathers wouldn't tolerate the scenario to begin with.

@UncleIroh @YoMomz @Pain66 It has nothing to do with religion. It’s just weakness and stupidity.

@Mr_Mister @YoMomz @Pain66

Learning how to understand and overcome our inherent weaknesses and stupidity is EXACTLY the domain of religion.

@UncleIroh yeah but you don’t need religion for it. Well for the stupid masses you do.


Incorrect. For example, your previous statements are a great example of ignorance and stupdity.

Without exception, everyone demonstrates weakness and stupidity over the course of their lives. Everyone.

Parenting under religious patriarchy, whether Jewish, Muslim, Christian or something else draws a clear boundary around these very simple issues.


The best possible case I can point to for non-religious parenting is China and Japan under Confucian patriarchy.

In that sense, TFM has a point that patriarchy is the secret ingredient, since they both had strict prescriptions on behaviors that could lead to children outside of marriage, & harsh penalties for transgressing.

But even then, daily life was still deeply entwined with religious ethics (Taoist, Buddhist or Shinto) that undergirded the Confucian social norms.

@UncleIroh but why do you need religion for these boundaries and principles?


Because only religions come with a set of battle-tested ethics on how to behave & why. Especially behaviors that lead to society-destroying consequences.

An atheists only belief is anti-religion. They're never "for" anything unless it's for more rights, less consequences. Usually, it's just buttsex.

That father couldn't tell you why it was wrong to let his horny daughter invite a horny 13yr old boy into her bedroom, so he allowed it & then overreacted even though it was obvious.


He knew on some deep instinctual level that it was weak and stupid to permit that behavior, but his atheist liberal programming overrode all of that.

He's left with no tools, no ethical guidance, no boundaries, no authority, just a set of deep instincts he cannot understand or justify.

Inevtiably this leaves him open to rage and violence. Atheism has made him weak and stupid.

@UncleIroh Yeah this is nothing more than religious bullshit.

I’m an atheist and I’m not a degenerate faggot, neither is TFM.

It’s not religion, it’s weakness.


> I’m an atheist and I’m not a degenerate faggot

So what. Atheism cannot tell you why you shouldn't be. Or why your son shouldn't be a degenerate faggot. Or whether he should cut his dick off. Or anything at all.

Atheism literally has nothing to say about anything, because everything is permitted and any stance just comes down to "well I like this and i don't like that".

@UncleIroh And religion is all about telling you how to behave just because an unproven God says so.

You’re falling into this trap of thinking you can’t have moral principles without religion, even though all morality is subjective.


That father's daughter will likely sport-fuck her way to double digits by the time she hits 18, but his great-grandfather, who statistically was probably religious, had none of these issues.

Your arguments about religion are moot since atheism is a family and society--destroying way of life that cannot be sustained beyond another generation or two.

Over time, this is a self-correcting problem since atheism is literally wiping itself out.

@UncleIroh Right so yeah you’ve 100% fallen into this trap of believing that patriarchy can only come from religion.

Why do I need to believe in a god to tell a bitch “no”?


You've fallen into the trap of believing that people fall into religious traps.

"It takes a village to raise a child".

Have you seen the village? They're a bunch of atheist whores busy raising more atheist whores in between killling babies.

You are delusional.

@UncleIroh go prove your god before calling someone else delusional.

@UncleIroh Well if you want me or others to care about what you’re saying you need to prove you’re not just making stuff up.

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@UncleIroh “Why would I need to prove that? I already know.” = It’s my truth.

-Ok buddy when you wanna talk and think like a man just @ me. I’m gonna mute this conversation.

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@UncleIroh “Have you seen the village? They're a bunch of atheist whores busy raising more atheist whores in between killing babies.”

> yeah because the men are weak.

Why do I need to believe in a god to tell bitches “no”?


Now you're begging me to tell you why you should believe.

Just tell your bitch "no", it will all turn out just fine.

@UncleIroh right so I’ll just tell her “no”. I don’t need god or religion for that.

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@UncleIroh @YoMomz @Pain66 If your daughter wants to fuck some boy trust me you can’t stop it,I have told both my ex wives and both my daughters I think,This…”It’s your pussy,you can do what you want with it,Hell,you could haul sand in it!And there would be nothing I could do about it.But you have to live with it the rest of your life,not me.”

1) He was a guest in their house. The man of the house had a rule the boy broke.
2) Punching a minor is fucking stupid.

Half-based. Based for kicking the boy out for breaking the rules but stupid for assaulting him.

@Pain66 purely genosentric, the father chooses to punch the little boy who did nothing wrong, his daughter who is at fault gets no punishment. This is the same mentality that leads to the guy to kill his wife's lover instead of his wife even though it was the wife who sought to cheat and bring another man in to his house, his bed and fuck the guy by riding on top of him. Honestly fuck guys like these, women are corrupt whores and men like these are their disposable white knights.

@37712 @Pain66 Nah kill cheaters too, but I get what you're saying.

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