
Look what you did @shortstories, now the pedophiles are onto us.

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@Tfmonkey @shortstories I hate the Termanology dog whistle that’s stupid liberal talk, Meaning we have no proof of anything so let’s make some shit up

@Scubbie @shortstories I already blocked the entire instance of "" so they won't be bothering us anymore.

@Tfmonkey @Scubbie

I actually enjoy them calling me Nazis and I was disappointed that I could not reply to their comment which it said no longer existed

Some people try to make the Jehovah witnesses leave

Others like me try to make the Jehovah Witnesses stay and the Jehovah Witnesses want to leave

@shortstories @Scubbie I blocked the entire instance of "" so that's why you can't respond to them.

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey

I am a little disappointed if they can not prove that I am a Nazi with my posts.

I am not a Nazi and do not support the extermination of people on the basis of Jewish ancestry.

None the less I am disappointed for having failed to point out the plot of people of some people of the Jewish religion to exterminate and enslave gentiles sufficiently

That you would say there is no proof that I am a Nazi

Also I posted that the country of England committed the holocaust

@shortstories @Scubbie They don't mean you're an ACTUAL nazi, but you are not a communist, so you're a not-C.

@Tfmonkey @shortstories @Scubbie I started out just a not-c but after I started studying history… their baseless accusations became accurate statements.

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @shortstories likely projection on their part. Not because they are secretly far right, but almost every leftist speech is layered in euphemisms and word games to obscure the hidden meaning. So they assume that is the same with those on the right.

Jonathan Haidt found in his studies that the left were the worst at guessing how others think when those on the right and the center were more accurate. Which confirms a lack of critical thinking and empathy on their part.

@houseoftolstoy @Scubbie @Tfmonkey @shortstories that shit got on my nerves and i began playing my own word game in retaliation, it also really helps with the tism and not knowing how to speak normally


The concept "dog whistle" is the result of Progressive narcissism and psychoanalytic pretentiousness.

"Oh, I know what you really meant by that. And I know you better than you do."

@Tfmonkey @shortstories @mrhorsetwat Anyone with that gay ass pikachu avatar should unironically kill themselves. :AllahuAkbar: :PikaShocked: :AllahuAkbar:

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @shortstories @mrhorsetwat

I am actually saddened that we won't get to make fun of them. Why block them, its not like they can do anything to us

@mrhorsetwat @ButtWorldsMan @37712 @shortstories I enjoy playful racism as much as anyone, but let's not "let the n-words flow" just to be edgy.

@Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat @37712 @shortstories Look, all I'm playfully (tee hee hee) suggesting is that aussie abos playfully get holocausted. I'm not even suggesting, I'm saying it'll be a good thing. Playfully.

@ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @37712 @shortstories abos aren't a race, they're a subspecies, thus it's not racism, it's something else. Specism?

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @37712 @shortstories Abos are the reason the Uncanny Valley exists. Looks somewhat human yet it isn't.

@mrhorsetwat @ButtWorldsMan @37712 @shortstories The sad thing is that my "fuck the squaws" plan would bring abos up to being normal within two generations.

They wouldn't be literally retarded and sniffing gasoline and raping their kids all day.

But, sure, I'm the bad guy.

@Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat @37712 @shortstories i mean let's examine this.

You are basically saying, "would someone who is not me """take one for the team""" and fuck the disgusting inhuman abo."

Why would you be so evil as to sentence another man to such a fate? You were the chosen one. You were supposed to bring balance to the manosphere. Now look what you're trying to torture men with! It's pure evil. You are the bad guy. I have the high ground.

Abo holocaust. Playfully.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat @37712

Look whoever does need to touch them

They can just donate a sample

Then someone can apply the sample or they can tell the person to apply the sample to her self

But Paternity laws make you pay child support

Do you really want to pay child support for a woman who is not smart enough to make good decisions

Eliminate welfare and you will improve the IQ in less than 1 year

The stupid people will starve

Leaving you with the smartest left over

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @37712

I maintain that black people in the wild in Africa were very smart because they knew how to survive in the wilderness without welfare

On the other hand black people in the inner city actually are more stupid because they would not know how to survive in the wilderness without welfare

Black people in the inner city who have White Jewish ancestry from their Jewish slave masters actually have a lower intelligence than the pure blacks

IQ be damned

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @37712 They didn't "know how to survive in the wilderness without welfare". They constantly raided, murdered, and sold each other into slavery, and their population had a low ceiling as a result until the west started showing them with food aid (i.e. welfare) causing their population to explode.

Also, have you seen Haiti where they eat literal "dirt cookies"?

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @37712

I thought some of the blacks farmed and hunted / gathered for food with "primitive" technology

And others enslaved and stole from the hunter gathers and farmers

How could they survive without any hunter gatherers and farmers before people started giving them welfare?

You can not survive on stealing alone without someone to steal from

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @37712 Sure, some farmed, but the murdering slaving tribes were more numerous and prosperous than the farming tribes.

I understand you're trying to be generous and give Africa the benefit of the doubt, but it's hard to build a prosperous civilization when half your population is murdering people and selling people into slavery.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @37712

I am trying to say that the blacks in the inner city have degraded in intelligence in spite having been mixed with white Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish genes

MIxing genes is not enough to raise IQ

When they were given welfare it resulted in artificial selection to lower the IQ and it lowered the IQ more than White Jewish genes could raise it. If the genes raised the IQ at all.

Inner city blacks are more stupid than African Wilderness blacks

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @37712

Inner city blacks can not do basic math and have no wilderness skills

Wild Blacks have wilderness skills making them smarter than inner city blacks

Social Justice Propaganda and welfare has lowered the intelligence of inner city blacks more than White Jewish genes could raise it. If it raised it at all.

@ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @shortstories @Scubbie @37712 "We already have a nigger mayor, we don’t need any more nigger big shots!” - Joe Biden

@Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat @shortstories @Scubbie @37712 Biden is like pordan jeterson. Scared of black cock but also intrigued.


I prefer that you call public school teachers sex offenders

If you call them P... people might get confused and think they are only MAPS

All Public School teachers have crossed the line into Sex Offender if they are teaching the official curriculum as intended by the sex offenders who designed it

People should tolerate MAPS but not Public School teachers who have crossed the line into Sex Offender territory

Teachers call their team MAPS and call their enemies team offenders


That is very funny but I do not want to explain why

It is like one big cover up

The public school teachers were caught abusing people so they create a Dora cartoon to get people to repeat that they are a MAP in the song

People should have the freedom to think what they want

But they should not have the freedom to tell children to get surgery when they are some public school teacher who is to stupid to do math without a calculator even though they have a Bachelors "degree"

@tournel @shortstories it doesn't matter if you're not white. They will call anyone a nazi if you aren't a communist like them.

If you're not a communist, you're a not-C.

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