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@Tfmonkey Think you'll find this as funny as I did. What happens when a Jew starts (((noticing))) their own conspiracy? Well, it obviously must be a "divine formula", don't you know.

Seriously though, it's so "on the nose". But make sure no one tells Halsey, he's unaware of the elephant he himself is riding.

"A conspiracy theory says the Jews would have prevented an alliance between Nazi Germany and other Eastern European countries.[79]"

living in the west is a shit test, leave the west in general, and i mean continental US, Muslim Europe is better than the west.

America is the only country who keeps taxing their people and they have zero to show for does taxes.
and if they take away welfare even less.

it's a joke been an American in today's world, do like the Jews did in before the night of broken glass, do like the refugies with the Soviet Union.

in the past America was the safe haven, now you have an entire world.

In case you still don't believe Christianity is a Jewish psyop, here's yet another Jew revealing what they really think about Christians and what their problem with Hitler was:

Who sucks more "Cathedral" cock, Ted Cruz or Trump?

Either way, if you needed a reason to vote for Biden, this should do it:

(Love the "Amen" at the end btw)

I am hoping Joe Biden steals a second election with a fake pandemic

It might be farm animal related like so called bird or swine flu or something that creates an excuse to vaccinate cows and bulls or monkey or small pox related who knows

Whatever it is I would rather an incompetant Biden support Israel than a competent Trump

Which youtube channel in your opinion, is the most effective controlled opposition?

Most, if not all, "counter-culture" youtubers are controlled opposition, or else they wouldn't be allowed on the platform. Talmud Tim Pool, double boosted Memology, etc.
Another such case is Razorfist, a known grifter who promoted the "trust the plan" con back in 2020 and who still shills for Trump and Jews to this day. He's so pathetic that he stopped saying "God Fucking Speed" because youtube doesn't let him.

The first step to predict the future, is to understand who's in charge. Thinking logically and understanding economics is necessary, but ultimately useless if you fail to recognize the global hierarchy.

If you thought the "Cathedral" was the US and wanted to keep the empire alive, then you probably lost a lot of money and failed to predict their moves.
If however, you understood they follow religion more than logic and want the US to commit suicide, then you saw this coming from a mile away.

Forget Gaza, the real violence is happening in American college campuses. We can always count on MSM to tell us the truth:

I had this theory going back to Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin. The whole point of the interview was Tucker Carlson, the son of a fed (and likely a fed himself) with ties to Claremont trying to extend and olive branch to Russia. Putin saw through this and deliberately made the interview difficult and covered lots of Russian history and in particular, it's otherness from "the west" and Putin's own personal frustration in trying to reach an accord with the west. He also made sure to mention that Russia is good friends with China and that relationship will never sour.

So now Russia's gone and blocked Rumble. Rumble is a Thiel-backed video streaming site full of "dissident right" content creators that regularly glaze Russia. Russia hasn't banned YouTube which is full of anti-Russia, pro-Ukrainian content.

I'm sure you can work out the theme I'm pointing out here. There's a strong current in the west linked to Thiel, Claremont, Yoram Hazony etc. that want to curry favour with Russia and maybe even have Russia in this movement of "national conservativism." But Russia seems to want not nothing to do with it. At least that's how it seems to me.

Trump wants people who are antisemitic to face the death penalty.

Women. For real though conservatives still simp so hard. This shit is 'News'

@Based_Accelerationist @RoninGrey The issue as an aggregate group is that they don't assimilate, they only allow them to punish each other, if anyone else attempts to step in and do it they run defense for each other no matter who it is. You see this with the aggregate with George Soros actually as a good example. While sure you'll see a small scale of maybe Halsey talking bad about him the systems and power they have run to bat for him even if they hate him because only they can do that.

"A population that's being genocided doesn't increase."

😏 I noticed.

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