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@MrpoopyButhole even managed to get my copy shitpasta in first too so it'll last the whole weekend. I just can't stop winning.

@sardonicsmile simply put, you choose which degree you want. You are given the path to the degree via classes and credits. Some were optional. Marketing wasn't. In order to graduate I needed credits in a marketing course.

@DoubleD @MrpoopyButhole I saw some nigger ask if you were impressed by nat gas. Bitches don't know gas needs to increase by a minimum of 100% AT LEAST before it's even close to impressive. New people don't know our suffering.

@sardonicsmile this informed vs uninformed dynamic is the basis of many interactions we have in life. When in college I was forced to take marketing. I later realized this was a valuable course because it taught me about my enemies, informing me about their manipulation techniques. I also took psychology. The uninformed are easier victims for scammers because they give people the benefit of the doubt. It's also how marxists wormed their way into society by masquerading their ideology.

I'm listening to this old man rage on WSFMS's podcast and laughing my ass off because he's basically what @Tfmonkey will be in 40 years.

@MrpoopyButhole there's nothing to say. It's just the grandpa's geopolitics group now since the markets don't mean shit. And there's no point doing "day trading" of geopolitics.

I checked the latest post last night, & what do you know, Mark Cortez was whining about some faction being cucks again. Every day he complains about the same shit for months. Some people there are still doing a daily sit-in at the kids table just to complain.

I'm having a blast shitposting and living my best life.

New get rich quick scheme just dropped. Buy puts as society falls apart and you're witness to it. @Tfmonkey

The ringleader of the hole hebrews has been apprehended. NYC is safe again.

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@DoubleD I'm emotionally detached from both sides. Easy to look objectively when i don't feel the need to cope on behalf of either.

@DoubleD You started it with "on a more sincere note." You also don't have a penchant for shitposts. If I wrote that, you should still not trust I'm being sincere.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.