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@Scubbie @Tfmonkey he should ask Nick Rekieta for a guest review, because that nigga actually used it on his wife.

@Tfmonkey you ballgasm while shoving your nuts in a spinning robot pussy. Duh.

@Tfmonkey i don't know how the fuck you haven't been sent a balldo yet

I wanted to say woman moment, but this is just a whore moment. A whore moment is even more pathetic than a woman moment.

@fal1026 your nose is big enough to reach their area code

@basedbagel @DoubleD
>about titanic
>named occam's razor

Thanks, i would've never found this myself.

>you: what do you mean
>me: answers question by laying out the process
>you: lol I knew that already lmao

Why are you like this?

>aside: you *had* to take a marketing course...?

Shouldn't have asked the question then.

If only he put the collar on himself and train the bad doggy to stop pissing all over ukraine's carpet. Gotta go outside first.

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Breaking news: one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet fucked around and found out.

For the uninitiated: Coach Red Pill (Gonzalo Lira) was in ukraine when russia invaded. He then proceeded to caress Putin's nuts PUBLICLY as ukraine kept signaling to him in many ways to shut the fuck up. He stayed and didn't shut up. Literally all he had to do was wash Putin's taint AFTER leaving ukraine. He did not.

Now he's dead because he's a dumb fucking retard.

Rip retard bozo

@Tfmonkey with their powers combined they are captain final solution.

@DoubleD it is the correct interpretation, but I am now a detached degenerate who laughs at the broken society.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.