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If you understand what dialectics are, then you understand why they have arranged a political battle between Good Black Woman™ vs Evil Old White Man™ with the pieces left on the board.

If Evil Old White Man™ won't actually die from assassination, then he at least needs to die symbolically. And be humiliated as much as possible in the process by "losing" again in November.

It's the same as what they've done to Star Wars & Indiana Jones but IRL.

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Corporate, virtue signaling, diversity hire promoting, wagies complaining about inflation is fucking hilarious.
I have no sympathy.

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Agreed, he is dangerous but that's because I don't trust him or whoever his backers are. He's not a midwit though and even though I don't listen to his stuff normally, I do listen to Uberboyo.

His take on the depop question is that most of it will occur because of declining birthrates. I agree with that.

As for gynocentrism, TWRA is so far off the normiefag radar, I'd guess 90% + still hold gyno views. That question won't gain serious public steam for at least another decade I think.

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self-grooming takes more time the actually cleaning house, here i was set to change by bedsheets onces a week and am like, it would be a waste of water and detergent, it still clean.

normally its clean, just clothes around the room, that when i started to see, i have too many clothes. my closet it's too full of clothes i never used. why the fuck do i need so many clothes, i hardly get out of the house.

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Good news. Japan shut down the "black samurai" psyop in it's tracks.

Turns out that the academic behind it all ... wait for it .. is Jewish. There really are no exceptions to this rule.

This is a public view into how the subversion sausage is made, this is the playbook.

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Man decided to kill pedophiles.

He got life sentence for killing pedophile

while pedo only got 4 years in prison before he was released and killed🤡

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I hate how pussies have all decided to grow beards and get tattoos and drink their shit beer to mimic men.

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Amen brother. They think everyone's a Jewcum-guzzling cuck evangelist like Mike Johnson when it's more like Thomas Massie.

Psyopped into Adam Green clones.

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All you Christian-hating faggots have no idea what's up around here.

Homesteading, gun-toting, freedom-loving, anti-government, pro-family, patriarchal homeschoolers here--who would be ALLIES to you--are nearly always God-loving Christians who ALSO reject the modern church, wokeism, and Israel.

You don't understand nuance, nor how many of us there are. You're a useless, mindless retard who can't think for himself and slaps away the hands of friends. Strong friends, wiser and bolder than you.

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Huawei, BYD and E-Link show interest in investing more in Peru, expanding operations. Is this a good thing? Is Peru finally getting the factories it wanted since the deal with Soviet Russia "fell through" in the 70s?

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@Hasan1994 @Tfmonkey

Inside of a generation, Afghanistan will collect on Saudi cuckery.

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Pewdiepie has straight up won the game of life. His circumstances is what all the hwite nationalists on fedi desperately wish they could have. Despite all odds he fucking won. I swear to god if I hear something about his marriage falling apart I'm going full black pill on bitches.

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