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Just caught up with the Saturday show. With the news in Turkey it reminded me of this meme @Tfmonkey

An all-female DIE crew of whores crashed a P-8A.
But the media will just keep it quiet 🤣.
(Notice how news outlets always say "A crew of nine" and never mention them. But if they rescued the plane, feminists will be jumping for more DIE hiring).
On the good side, it means the US can't effectively invade places with more DIE crews like these.


@ButtWorldsMan when I hear women talking my focus goes out of window. So I basically hear nothing.

@mrhorsetwat how cheap are whores in moldova? escort web site? where is redlight district?

I thought this was interesting, and it’s something that we’ve been talking a lot about in this space when it comes to creating a better more sustainable society.

@PeachySummer @Leaflord This reminds me of a video from Whatifalthis, where basically he points out that after industrialization with the invention of new technologies, being a housewife became relatively easy and women became incredibly bored and isolated, this is partially but not the only factor, which led to the rebellion in the 60s and women entering the workforce. @11:02 is the time code where he specifically talks about this.

Not sure if he legit said it. this pretty sums their mentality and what we have seen, honestly, fuck this shithole. I hope they get completely destroyed and killed, and I'm not gonna shed single tear at their dead babies since it's fake anyway
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