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Rollo is starting to feel the pinch from the loss of revenue from youtube

@UncleIroh Fresh & fit give a good glimpse into the Miami scene which is reflection of most major cities on the normie end which is majority ghetto culture, it's bad, what you're talking about requires time nobody has, especially if you want a family. Living here is really weird compared to Chicago majority of the population is old as fuck(I'm 39 the youngest)to come across the everyday girl nextdoor type of chick is RARE AF outside tourist & club traps.

Hi @Tfmonkey pls save this one next time some idiot starts telling you that the vaccines are not killing ppl

The term conspiracy theorist was coined to counter anyone who questioned the government.

The psy-op worked so well that even when you tell people the origin of the term they don't care.

You're still a crazy conspiracy theorist.

@theFlow I wasn’t sure if that was a sex doll on the far right of the image, almost doesn’t look human.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.