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@Indignation @Mongoliaboo I don’t really watch his streams live, so I just skip the music.

@marlathetourist @Stahesh @Scubbie @Tfmonkey I got this recommended too lol, and I rewatched it, it’s still a pretty good debate not going to lie.

It is happening more and more. No one is helping females in distress for fear of getting sued.

@Mongoliaboo @Indignation being completely honest, I don’t mind watching his round table streams with Sandman, BetterBachelor, or Drex. The roundtable streams seem to be more productive.

Guys, This is actually where we are now...
Imagine giving your Best for something other men got for free.

@sardonicsmile I would make the argument that men don’t honestly like women that much if you take away the sex drive. Men and women don’t naturally like being around each other unless it has to do with sex/reproduction or raising children.

@matty @houseoftolstoy @basedbagel this. Oh nooo democracy is dying? You mean the democracy that voted no to buttsex in california, but was state enforced anyway? You mean the democracy that takes my kid away if his teachers convince him he's a girl? Democracy, that dumps thousands of votes at 3 in the morning? The thing that doubled the price of gas and groceries?

I will piss on democracy's grave.

@sardonicsmile there’s a feedback loop between natural talent and reward. If you have a natural talent for something and get a decent reward for putting in some effort, it incentivizes you to work harder and maximize your potential. Where as if you don’t have a natural talent for something, if you get a very minor/low return on your investment, most people not all (there are exceptions) are going to get frustrated, irritated and will give up. Genetics/natural talent comes before work ethic.

There is something to be said for genetic determinism.
Apex fallacy is real.
"Just work hard" only works if you already have raw talent.

@Zeb @RadiumLE85 that’s my biggest fear honestly, if I’m even around to see the rebuilding process.

Kiosaki is not wrong on this:
I've heard Rollo describe it: You are either "breeding stock" or a "draught horse".
Imagine giving your Best for something other men got for free.
Women NEVER think marriage is a scam because they benefit from the contract. They also benefit from breaking the contract.
Marriage and "serious" dating is a rich man's sport. Making babies, to support the system, is a poor man's sport.
If you rest in the median, I suggest you avoid all of the above.

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