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It is happening more and more. No one is helping females in distress for fear of getting sued.

First district administrator forces refugees to work

It has been in the asylum law for a long time, but has not yet been implemented: jobs for refugees.

Now the first district administrator is using the law to oblige asylum seekers to work. In the future, residents in shared accommodation will have to do charitable jobs for Christian Herrgott (39, CDU) in the Saale-Orla district (Thuringia), such as cleaning streets, trimming hedges and shoveling snow.

Noticed how the men are always being shown on the front lines and the females are the ones being interviewed. Like they have ANY skin in the game.

I just watched a video from Aaron Clarey cabout Us male loyalty in WW3 and this comment cracked me up 😂 :

"No Russian, Chinese, Afghani, Iraqi, or North Korean ever called me an incel."

They want to lure you into thinking you have a chance only to reject you. They take delight in rejecting bottom 80% of men.

@shortstories Well, apparently this one donor said he likes Halsey and the show wouldn't be the same without him.

I have to agree, the show would certainly be different without someone to stand up for Israel and male genital mutilation.

Halsey will never expose anyone other than himself. For years, he repeated that Jews just happened to be overrepresented, but the "Cathedral" wasn't about Jews. And now that's debunked, not one apology, not a single acknowledgement or reflection, just silence.

So....on the TFM show 02/24/2024 we got some insight on @VooDooMedic
If you are one ugly bastard and cant get laid to save your life there is now hope. You can end your sad pathetic life of being a social pariah. The solution? It's as easy as dressing up in a furry suit, kangaroo or wallaby preferred. Then be prepared for a night of passionate lovemaking by getting plowed by Voodoo. >No questions asked<
So walk, no, run to your local furry outlet and reclaim your lost self worth.

They got rid of the men's room. The men's room has been turned into a "family bathroom" while the women's room has become a "mother's room".

So now both bathrooms are women's rooms essentially, but women have their own "safe space" bonus bathroom, since trannies can't have babies.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.