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I just finished Aaron Clarey's newest book, "A World Without Men".

Gotta hand it to him, he does decent work. Short, fact-packed, no hard prescriptions, just a set of logically deduced options for what comes next for both sexes. And good prose.

Statisitical work like his becomes outdated as new data accumulates, but it's relevant for now and the data trends are probably good to rely on for a few years. Worth the read.

"Late stage capitalism" = the government is hopelessly corrupt and the only solution is more government.

If corporations controlled the government, the richest man on Earth (Elon Musk) would have forced the government to embrace free speech instead of having to travel to Israel and watch propaganda films to get his advertisers back when the Jews took his shoes away.

What do you call it when we give Israel billions in foreign aid that they use to bribe our politicians? Capitalism?

Haiti? I just want to grill with my new friend, General Barbecue.

Q: What do you call a woman's vagina after she's had an abortion?


@basedbagel @Mongoliaboo I think only normie that are enlightened and see cracks in normie world can understand.

But average normie can't understand even if he could see it and it could beat his face.

I no longer explain any concept to normies that is more than 3 steps long.

Idk if it's laziness or incompetence but most people simply can't keep up and i don't have the patience anymore

I had a realization when it comes to the whole "trust the experts" meme. There is nothing wrong with experts themselves. Even those who despise the slogan have experts they trust.

The problem is that the "experts" we are told we need to trust are preselected by the government to parrot whatever narrative they want. Other experts who may disagree are never the ones we are given permission to trust.

I would say a Freudian slip, but this is just a blatant confession.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.