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You don't hate regime media enough. You think you do. But you don't.

Would you get your kids "vaccinated" against polio or measles in 2024?

I can't connect to MGTOW.TV is anyone else having the same problem?

We see far too much tone policing and worrying about feelings rather than being able to talk about objective and practical solutions. This would not be necessary in the first place if a sizeable chunck of our voters were not overly emotional l, low information voters. This is mostly applicable to women, but there are men like this too.

And we see the results of caring about tone and feelings. Things are going down the drain.

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"We only recognize sanctions imposed by the UN security council."

Translation: kick rocks, JewSA.

Halsey defending Soros and talking positive about him just confirmed what a lot of people were saying about him.

Halsey wants TFM to swallow that Jew semen.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.