Rhett boosted

They know they're the problem, and they're hoping you don't realize it as society collapses. . .

. . . then they'll blame you for not doing enough to stop it.

@Tfmonkey @charliebrownau I've heard some people say that despite everything, boomers are still one of the most reliable 'right wing' voting blocks, especially the white/male boomers. what are your thoughts on this? Once the boomers go and we're all better for it, will the right wing lose such a major voting base in the boomers and thus lose any hope of voting our problems away ever again? Or is this (as I personally think) a cope to posit that voting will solve anything.

@irie_new @Tfmonkey part of those progressive liberal tenants has to include higher education for all women, especially in the form of separating woman from man (becoming 'independent'), and woman to the state (becoming statists). TFM is still right, you're just acting like the feminist moderates that TFM talks about who'll defend the sanctity of women's rights meanwhile fertility rates will continue to plummet and 'patriarchal' immigrants will replace us all.

@Tfmonkey Maybe their hatred of brown people 'le heckin palestinos' has clouded their judgement. Or they're just fake and gay grifters or whatever.

Rhett boosted

Millions of German civilians died brutal and unnecessary deaths after the guns fell silent, in WW2.

Jackals like these cheered it on.. gloated over the mass-rape, slaughter, starvation, in malevolent glee.

Today, Hollywood endlessly churns out movies glorifying this type.

@ashalogos The only compassion you can give to people like this is the hard goodbye.

@YoMomz @37712 @Tfmonkey @Lorgar Just because the religion of Christianity has been thoroughly subverted, doesn't really change the reality of the matter that Christ himself was real and not allegedly, factually did all the miracles we hear about. Sure most Christians are a victim of slave morality, to some extent. I might not be a Christian myself, but I respect great men across history and Christ himself is one such man I would consider worth listening to. I've been reading the Oera Linda Book

@Tfmonkey @YoMomz @37712 @Lorgar Curtis Yarvin popularized it and spread it around the dissident/reactionary circles. But I guess if it means having the term fly under the radar of the tribe in power, it's fine enough for me.

@Based_Accelerationist I'm not even Christian really, but I believe it was literally a quote from Jesus calling the Synagogue just that because of all the priests and Rabbis basically turning the Synagogue into a mockery of what a place of worship should be, money lending, dancing harlots, they turned away from God essentially. And sin is how Satan grabs hold of you. Idk, it's accurate to me.

@YoMomz @37712 @Tfmonkey @Lorgar I think that referring to it as the cathedral also minimizes the issue in several ways too, but it's not like its the Catholics behind most of it or benefiting the most from this entrenched apparatus of media-finance-state revolving door that only seems to serve the interests of Israeli Jews, in particular the most corrupt of those Jews. I for one, still love Kuroi, if anyone remembers him, and I believe that Halsey is a respectable man.

@Tfmonkey now that you've finally fully come around to acknowledging that even if it were the Cathedral, it is in the clutches of the Zionists/Jews, can we just call it the Synagogue now? Because that's what it is. Not to mention, the retard who came up with the makings of labelling our corrupt system as the cathedral Curtis Yarvin is.. wait for it.. a Jew. I used to be like you insofar that I was lenient and skeptical about whether it was the Jews or just general marxist/feminist cringe but..

@poastoak @rher @skylar she will start dressing like this once again after the 6+ kid she's had

@Osmium @theorytoe @skylar is "ugly" like tomoko? like disheveled unkept and 'weird' looking? or the kind of ugly that would make me want to unalive myself if I had to see her in my bed every day for the rest of my life?

@VooDooMedic @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey I'm not disputing that, and yes, the masons (and other secret societies) are and have been a surprisingly undetected looming threat against liberty across the West for a longtime.

But they're history and details are way too complex to get into here. Somewhere along the way the Freemasons lost their way, as George Washington himself was a 'Worshipful Master' in the Order.

@VooDooMedic @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey The start of the progressive empire began with Woodrow Wilson, prior to WWII. Jews have only made the problem worse, but they didn't start it necessarily.

The end of states rights began under Abraham Licnoln which created the perfect environment for a progressive senile lunatic like Woodrow to enact his plan of world peace through total economic control.

The Jews are simply another head of the Hydra. You need to burn the neck before it grows two more.

@skylar @Tfmonkey You can call it whatever you like, it's basically just the progressive empire power structure encapsulated. Since its mostly western, the term cathedral was coined, but a more applicable term would actually just be Temple. Every religion and every culture has a basic 'Temple' of worship to enforce cultural and even legal doctrine throughout society.

@Engineer Well, the populist right will gladly eat it up. I'd say that's the boring but most likely true and Occam's Razor answer, but the issue with blaming the elites or royalty, is that there will always be some form of elite class in a hierarchy, and that's not a bad thing.

I think the boring real solutions to these problems is by correcting the various institutions and practices in our decadent western society. Namely reinstituting patriarchy and true free markets as a good first start.

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