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@WashedOutGundamPilot It's a downward cycle wherein church attendance goes down, the church tries to "get woke" to attract more people (known as "seeker sensitive") and then they embrace feminism and start shitting on men for not "stepping up" and marrying the single moms.

So the men stop coming to church because they don't need a guilt trip, and the church has gone to shit anyway, and then church attendance goes goes, and thus the cycle repeats.

@WashedOutGundamPilot A lot of these online whores are ageing out. They used to go to church to find "a good man" but the churches have all cucked, and so they go to where the men are.

I do sympathize with them. They did what they were told to do, and like all children, what felt good at the time.

I offer these aged out whores a truce. Men will forgive their past when women can no longer vote.

Enjoy your boxed wine and cats.

@dander the RNC won't run ads for Trump or do anything to help Trump win. They hate Trump as much as the Democrats do.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu this is why not living in the city isn't good enough. You have to live in a different county.

@dander it's because slave morality. We believe our worship of weakness is what makes us better and more civilized than everyone else.

To admit we were wrong is to undermine our entire identity. It will never happen voluntarily.

@mangeurdenuage remember to pull your foreskin back and clean out your dick cheese.

@cowanon The problem is that they need to put these useful women they're forced to hire somewhere. They tried putting them in marketing, and they caused a bunch of "woke" campaigns that pissed off their customers.

IMO they should just pay the government a "feminist tax" to support welfare for single moms and cut out the middle man. That's all this shit is, it's just another form of welfare for women to LARP as adults.

@Deuces They created two wheels, one for "mandatory" and one for "discretionary" instead of one for "total" in order to overplay the importance of non-welfare spending.

The problem is that all welfare spending from 2020 onward can be explained as COVID spending, so my 2019 graph is actually the best one available

@DoubleD @ButtWorldsMan Celestina got a job because we were homeless and I have to rebuild my business from scratch. That's true love, when someone is there for you when you're at your lowest.

@greentext kids exhibit NPC behavior because kids are universally weak. I feel bad for autists who don't understand that the weak only think in terms of conformity.

If you conform you're cool. If you do anything different you're bullied... unless you're strong.

Beat the bullies asses and suddenly you're cool and people start copying you.

There is a lesson in that, but not for the weak.

@dander it has to affect people personally. The pain of inaction has to exceed the pain of action.

Seeing stuff happen on TV might as well be stuff happening on the other side of the world. It needs to be felt to be real.

The problem isn't that people are stupid, it's that they're weak. Good times don't make people stupid. Good times makes them weak. Weakness is the problem.

@shortstories sometimes rape and genocide are the answer. Not always ... but sometimes.

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