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@sickburnbro they're losing control of the world and getting their asses kicked by Russia. They might be second guessing their population culling agenda in light of that.

@shortstories a shit test is when women test their boundaries and see what they can get away with. Children engage in this behavior all the time when they whine, throw tantrums, or disobey.

Men don't need to shit test women for the same reasons parents don't throw tantrums and whine at their children to get them to do something they want.

@dander FDR was the first President of the Progressive Empire, with the groundwork laid by Woodrow Wilson. The boomers were the first children born after this and were the first "children of the revolution". They began voting in the 60s, and enacted sweeping Progressive reforms that really destroyed what was left of the old America.

Things have simply gotten worse with each generation, but it all traces back to Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive era, and World War 2 with FDR.

@dander this isn't true. It was abandoning the gold standard that caused the stagflation, stagnant wages, and caused two income households to become required, but that has nothing to do with the current anti male policies which go back to the 60s with welfare expansion, immigration reform, and 2nd wave feminism?

Why were the 60s so bad? Because the Baby Boomers began voting.

Why were the 2000s so bad? Because Millennials began voting.

Each generation gets worse thanks to progressivism.

@dander it's only been around 10,000 Ukrainians that have surrendered, and Ukraine has stationed azov battalion soldiers to oversee the conscripts and kill them if they try to surrender.

@envelopeme look into Japanese ikigai, as they have the best formalized handle on the concept.

Also, based on your avatar, I assume you're familiar with absurdism so this is all old ground.

The point of life is to live. It's like dancing or enjoying any kind of "play". When you dance, you're not trying to accomplish anything, you're just enjoying the experience.

In fact, trying to impose a point onto play ruins the fun. Educational games are awful aren't they?

@dander @VooDooMedic I prefer the way I said it: Feminism is the Special Olympics without the self awareness.

@envelopeme meaning is inward facing. You decide your own meaning, like how your favorite song means something to you, or how your loved ones mean something to you.

Purpose is a bit different. Purpose is outward facing. It's where you fit in, your function, or what you were "made" to do.

To find your purpose think about what makes you happy that isn't simply fulfilling a biological urge, what you're good at, and what pays your bills.

The Japanese call it Ikigai.

@FinalDresdonation you don't need to rely on secondary inferences. See how quickly conservative women clutch their pearls when you bring up patriarchy, even after claiming that they support "conservative values".

If conservative women supported "conservative values" and the nuclear family, they would support losing their rights, which destroy both.

What they want is to virtue signal by making noises with their mouth that cost them nothing while being part of the problem.

"conservative women" saying that because they spoke out against man-hating radical feminism that any talk to taking their rights away is a betrayal are like white people on welfare saying that because they're racist against black people on welfare that they should be able to keep their welfare, and any talk of the welfare state being bankrupt and unsustainable is a betrayal.

@Pain66 The progressives thought and continue to think they're the good guys. They simply hold "equality" as their highest value, and think the world would be "better" if they made it more equal.

That's all it is. It's more a religious belief than anything. They assume their "religion" is the one true religion, and they must spread it everywhere, and anyone who holds an opposite belief is clearly from Satan and must be destroyed.

@lain clever. I've also thought that AAA (the auto insurance) should sponsor a battery brand and make AAA AAA batteries.

@Pain66 it really is the "original sin" from which everything else flows as a symptom of a single disease.

@DoubleD sadly, the south lost the Civil War, and the slide towards Progressivism was inevitable from that point.

@reshiram no, AI doesn't have a dominance or even a self preservation instinct. We project onto AI human goals and assume that any intelligence must act like we do because we are solipsistic children.

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