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@Oaghaji The brought Thrawn into the Disney shows, but the writers are too stupid to write an intelligent villain correctly.

@mkultra I think the bare minimum requirement to gain the support of any nationalist group is to respect THEIR nations.

You can't go around trying to destroy their nations by promoting Leftism, and then ask for their help when your nation is threatened.

@Terry The US has also proven to negotiate in bad faith and has no credibility.

@Lorgar @blitzdriver My internet came back up 5 minutes after I went offline, but I finished the show and read all the superchats manually, so it might have been an attack or highly coincidental timing.

Celestina dressed up as Angela from Lobotomy Corporation. An AI secretary.

@DicusMaximus @ButtWorldsMan 1. why am I wearing a poop emoji hat?

2. chimps don't have tails.

@RoninGrey @VooDooMedic It started out as a parable about pedophilia.

We only go after male pedophiles, while letting female pedophiles go free, and go after men who aren't even pedophiles but who like anime.

It also works as a communist/jew thing because everyone is obsessed with blaming jews, but nobody wants to do anything about women's rights and welfare dependence.

@shortstories @VooDooMedic since the baby dicks they suck are jewish babies, and a percentage of those babies grow up to be rabbis themselves, I'm sure that's true, but that's not vampirism.

Jews just suck baby dicks for some reason. It's weird, but it's their own kids dicks they're sucking, so it's none of my business.

They're not having "baby dick story time" where rabbis go to public schools to suck the dicks of non-jews or anything, so I don't care.

As long as it's their kids, don't care.

@shortstories @VooDooMedic sure, there are weirdos who are into blood and sucking baby dicks, but I'm talking about the fictional vampires with supernatural powers and the ability to spread their curse to their victims.

This is my "vampire parable for @VooDooMedic

Imagine if vampires were real.

Humans organize as vampire hunters, but then some of the hunters argue that because Dracula was a man and Dracula created the vampire problem that men are the problem. Also female vampires are sexy, so the hunters agree only to kill the male vampires.

So the hunters kill only male vampires (along with men who shop at Hot Topic and "look" like vampires), while the female vampires are free to spread and prey on humans.

@mangeurdenuage they can't make another bioshock because the main character would have to be black and black people can't swim.

@ButtWorldsMan she's putting pizza in her ears. That's not where pizza goes, silly.

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