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@Mugnika probably not anytime soon. Since the book is so short, I'd like to collect some background ambiance and make the audiobook worth the minimum price.

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan I'm not dying a slave. If my only choices are to surrender to you, or you'll push a button and nuke us both, then I'm going to make you push that button.

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan everyone is going to get nuked when the Cathedral falls, but the only alternative is surrender and slavery, so . . . ya know.

Well, I completely wasted my time. I spent hours re-creating my book in Word so I can submit a PDF for a softcover version of the book, and I couldn't publish it anyway because Amazon requires a minimum of 72 pages, so it's a Kindle only book.

It's already been approved for sale, so here it is for anyone interested:

@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole The issue is that if Israel "final solutions" the Palestinians, then they lose all moral right to exist.

I'm okay with that, but I don't think they've thought this all the way through.

Nevermind on the book. I can't easily convert the Kindle version into a paperback. I have to recreate the book from scratch in Microsoft Word but moving the pictures as background elements and create text boxes for the text.

Then save it as a PDF, then upload it to KDP and cross my fingers that the formatting doesn't get ruined by Amazon's system.

Now I remember why I was putting this off for so long.

@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole Israel isn't being threatened with nukes and certain death.

It's interesting how they're going total war on the Palestinians as if this won't boomerang back onto them.

These are different scenarios, but I am surprised how quickly everyone became eager to bring genocide back.

I love how the West is calling for genocide right after exhausting their militaries and losing in Ukraine.

Did they not JUST underestimate their opponents and get their shit pushed in?

This does prove my theory that Russia could have ended the conflict by threatening to give Iran nukes if NATO didn't fuck off.

Look at how quickly America went from "we're out of weapons, we need to freeze the conflict" to "genocide everyone!" instantly when their precious Jews were threatened.

I just put the finishing touches on my new book, and I'll submit it to the publisher later today. It should be available for sale in a couple of weeks assuming the quality checks go smoothly.

It's a short children's book about the meaning of life and only 24 pages, so it's not a deep philosophical tome.

Anyway, it's been on my "to do list" for a while, so it's good to finish it.

these turned out a lot better than usual. Sure, most of them turned out as nightmare fuel, but a couple turned out alright.

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan I can't pay my bills, buy food, or buy gasoline for my car using dogecoin, and I could be kicked off an exchange just as easily as kicked off of a bank, and then I'll have useless tokens I can't spend.

so, there IS debanking in crypto.

I want to say I support the Palestinians, but they gave their women equal rights in 2014, so I'm ambivalently entertained.

@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan there is no plan anymore. They plan failed. They're shitting their pants right now, even more so than usual because of their age.

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