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@kaia he was trying to signal that he was going places in the hopes that you would think he was a catch, like how women will date medical students before they become doctors.

@IAMAL_PHARIUS @Terry @graf it's because India is in BRICS.

They are also seizing Northern Gaza for the offshore gas fields.

The conflict in Ukraine was instigated by the G7 because BRICS surpassed them in global GDP.

All wars are about money and power.

@casuist I don't think Jews will like how putting genocide back on the menu ultimately works out for them.

Celestina looks perfect. I look like a crackhead loony toon.

@VooDooMedic @YoMomz I'm sure they'll try to push gun control like they always do. I doubt they'll succeed, but we'll see if this becomes the new "current thing" since support for Israel backfired against the Left.

@VooDooMedic Nothing adds up, and I fully expect this to be completely memory holed. Whatever they were trying to accomplish didn't work, and nobody is interested in gun control right now while the news is scaring everyone about Muslim terrorism.

@beautiful_bastard Nice. I'll pass that along to AMR.

Nothing but anime girls on the timeline, so I guess Hezbollah cucked out and Globohomo wins. God dammit.

Once upon a time, a man felt he was entitled to the most desirable and highest-paying jobs, so he would lie on his resume in order to get interviews.

He always failed the interview and was never hired, but he refused to apply for a normal entry-level job because it was beneath him.

After a few years, nobody would even call him in for interviews anymore and he became bitter, blaming Capitalism and greedy business owners for his unemployment.

He faked an illness and went on disability. The End.

@ButtWorldsMan It turns out that in the end, it was, in fact, the Jews.

@dander @shortstories If you can use thigh flesh to craft a frankenpenis for a tranny, I'm sure guys can get some extra skin added to their dicks, but I don't think it'll have the same sexual sensitivity.

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