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@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan @Mongoliaboo @VooDooMedic I'm not a furry. I'm not attracted to anthropomorphic animals. Celestina on the other hand . . .

@mangeurdenuage guys put up with a lot of awful behavior from a hot girl too. They tolerate the most selfish and entitled behavior just because she's got a cute face and nice tits.

@kaiservenom I went through the same thing with Star Wars. Just because you used to love what it was doesn't mean you're going to love what it's become.

Some people think I'm not antisemitic enough, but I'm basically on the same level as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. I acknowledge the Jews need to be dealt with, but I also know history, and know that even if we destroyed the Jews (as Rome did) we would still fall to the same corruption from a different source (as Rome did). Jews are but one manifestation of the adage that power corrupts, including power granted by pity.

@Stahesh it's exhausting to hold her belly up like the hood of a car while you fuck her sweaty flaps. It's a real boner killer.

@VooDooMedic wash your beard when you brush your teeth in the morning. Get a comb and some beard oil and keep your shit groomed.

If cleaning your beard is too much work then shave it off.

Old Spice makes a beard wash but I don't know what brands you have in Australia.

Just wash/comb your beard as part of your morning routine while you brush your teeth.

@theFlow at least the guy has guaranteed sex. Most married guys don't even have that.

@ButtWorldsMan @37712 all that is required for evil to win is for good men to do nothing.

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