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@ButtWorldsMan @DoubleD @37712 Marcus wasn't a cuck bitch. He simply didn't murder his wife for the sake of Rome. If he killed her, he would have lost his claim to the throne and it would have caused Civil War to break out throughout Rome as different people fought over who would rule.

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan he DID have the gladiator put to death, but his claim to the empire (as an adopted son) was through his wife, so if he killed her he wouldn't have a claim to be emperor anymore.

He had the gladiator killed and fucked his wife while covered in the gladiator blood. I am not kidding, look it up.

@Based_Accelerationist @37712 we have a two party system, but go ahead and vote 3rd party if you want to send a message. It probably won't matter.

@kaiservenom no I don't want to get Halsey banned from YouTube so I avoid saying it but if Halsey says it and gets his own channel banned that his own darn fault.

@pk33 I don't live in the city where I have access to local butchers and stuff like. I can shop at Costco and Sam's Club.

My groceries for the week cost about $200.

@pk33 they're making beef more expensive to fight climate change, and they're culling chickens due to bird flu, which is causing chicken prices to rise.

Hotdogs are now cheaper than bacon, and even eggs are getting expensive because of the bird flu culling.

They're training us to eat ze bugz.

@VooDooMedic none of this means nukes were used. Maybe Russia is just kicking off it's anticipated "Summer Offensive" by softening up Ukraine with a barrage of missiles.

@VooDooMedic I'm not seeing anything, so we'll see. Are these NATO nukes or Russian nukes?

I had an idea: the guy who made Pizza Tower should make a new Wario game with Wario and Waluigi and all the worlds should be themed on the side-characters from Wario Ware.

The story is that Wario and Waluigi are going to visit their dad for his birthday, who is Booster from Super Mario RPG, but an old man.

Wario doesn't want to give his dad any of his treasures, but decided to paint a picture based on an old photo, which is torn into pieces.

Wario and Waluigi have to recover the pieces. Ta Da

@RoninGrey I just make my own recipe of green tea

3 parts regular green tea
2 parts bengal spice chai tea
1 part vanilla spice herbal tea

you're welcome.

@s2208 @Pain66 whenever I meet a "brilliant" woman, it's endlessly entertaining to observe how vapid and basic they are the nanosecond you discuss anything outside of their specific area of expertise.

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