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@37712 @sardonicsmile seems legit to me. Using life insurance to avoid death taxes is what I always advise people to do.

Just caught up with the Saturday show. With the news in Turkey it reminded me of this meme @Tfmonkey

Practical steps to "let go" articulated by a guy who clearly doesn't give a shit based on how he's dressed, which I can appreciate.

@37712 @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu They'll be culled soon enough. What are you doing about not joining them?

@Zeb @37712 I've said this many times, but I'm the doctor telling the obese patient that they need to lose weight or they'll die, and while I give them all the tools they need, I know they won't listen to me and they'll die.

Why do I do it?

1. I want to be able to say that I did all that I could do.

2. I have nothing better to do with my life.

I was randomly recommended this YouTube who does podcasts about Nietzsche, and I'm impressed with it's depth and understanding. So many critiques on Nietzsche are done by Tradcucks who don't understand him.

Anyway, check it out if this interests you:
Nietzsche: “Forgetfulness is an Active and Positive Force...”

@PordanJeterson so confront and overcome your weakness (which is under your control) rather than blame all that which outside of you for your problems while your life remains the same and you nurse a victim complex to deal with your shame.

@RickiTarr in a way, yes. If we had a high trust, low crime society, people would be more vulnerable to scoundrels, so by having scoundrels occur naturally and randomly it prevents society from letting it's guard down even in ideal conditions thus making it more resilient.

@Meemoo cowboy was a legitimate profession (they drove cattle, hence the name) whereas Samurai were government soldiers and bodyguards while pirates were criminals no different than looters in fancy clothes.

@Stahesh it's simple. They just have to be something other than straight white Christian men, and then they can get hired in the name of diversity and inclusion. If you fire them for being stupid and useless they can sue you for discrimination.

You haven't been brainwashed. You're just weak and willing to conform. You merely blame being brainwashed to avoid the shame of your own weakness.

@yockeypuck the secret to working with retards is to use a non threatening tone and affirming physical contact like high fives and pats on the back.

Tell them they can have a pudding cup once they've finished their work. Tards fucking love pudding.

@DoubleD it's like that meme where there is an obvious message and there is a message that goes over someone's head.

Jews remind everyone endlessly about the holocaust to gin up sympathy for themselves and then commit genocide and expect everyone to support them.

@theFlow what do you expect me to say regarding something as vapid as "birds of a feather flock together" as marriage advice?

The secret to marriage is "a bird in hand is worth two in a bush". Thoughts?

@RodrickSage work as hard as you need to in order to live the lifestyle you want to live and avoid becoming dependent on welfare because it's going to go away in the not-to-distant future.

Nobody is going to "give you a a small loan of a million dollars."

I was raised by a single mother in the ghetto, and I had to go to war to get college money. I earned everything with blood, sweat, and sacrifice.

I'm also free and doing what I love.

Go and do likewise.

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