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@Twothousandshadows The artificial coloring can be removed without affecting anything. The food might look different, but it will taste the same.

@ButtWorldsMan the beanie man will never say "take women's rights awawy"

@rainignterror1080p nevermind, it won't let me set it out of private. I'lljust delete it.

@SpurgAnon if only there was a way for men to reverse women's rights and restore patriarchy again, but alas it's impossible because we would have to overthrow and reset the government as well, but that's impossible. We will just have to vote harder as illegal aliens replace us and give all our money to Israel.

@houseoftolstoy It's similar. Nukes are exaggerated for the sake of deterrence. Iron Dome is a basic anti air defence (similar to Patriot) with a fireworks show for propaganda and deterrence.

@Shlomo @kshatriyahalhind The King of Jordan isn't even Jordanian. He's a Saudi put in power by the British and he's a giant Westaboo.

@leftforfed65 making female custodes will appease no one (Sisters of Battle didn't, female Eldar didn't, female guardsmen didn't).

They want the Space Marines to be women because they are the most popular faction and the face of Warhammer.

They demand that all popular things be turned into them. They hope that by turning anything popular into them that they will make their ideology popular.

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