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@Scubbie Actually, since you're into crazy conspiracies, I've seen evidence that the Iron Dome is bullshit. They aren't super-anti missiles, they're just regular air defense missiles along with rockets that blow up in the sky to create the impression that they are intercepting missiles and rockets.

Then they use their control of the media to memory hole any missile damage and declare that the Iron Dome makes them invincible.

See the Houthis and how it took 2 weeks to admit they sunk a ship.

@bloggerski That won't work because they will still feel inferior and they will tell themselves that you stole "their" land when you made them live somewhere else. They will rewrite history in their heads to make themselves victims.

People will destroy heaven to create hell simply because heaven was created by someone other than them, and the heaven they live in makes them feel inferior.

@Stahesh I've always had a soft spot for Call of Cthulhu as a TTRPG. The books are obscure and rather expensive, but solving a mystery is inherently more satisfying than killing monsters for gold coins to level up and kill more monsters.

I've watched a playthrough of the Cthulhu waifu game. I applaud the originally of combining cosmic horror and a dating sim just for the shitpost value.

The Mansions of Madness dice are gimmick dice that have 8 sides but only 3 outcomes. 4/8 mean failure, 2/8 mean success, and 2/8 are failures unless you spend a "clue" token to make them a success.

You can just use d4s where 1-2 equal failure, 4 equals success and a 3 can be turned into a 4 with a "clue".

1 success for common tasks (50%+ with 3 dice). 2 successes for challenging tasks (33% with 5 dice). 3 successes for barely possible tasks (25% chance with 5 dice)

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For rolls requiring 2 successes, use the following chart to convert Call of Cthulhu percentiles into Mansions of Madness dice pools.

0% 1 Die (impossible because you can't roll two successes on a single die)
22% 2 Dice
29% 3
34% 4
38% 5
41% 6
43% 7
45% 8
46% 9
47% 10
48% 11
49% 13
50% 17

For 3 successes...

0% 1-2
19% 3 Dice
23% 4
25% 5
27% 6
29% 7
30% 8
31% 10
32% 11
33% 13

The math I'm using is (1-(6/8)^X)/Y

X = the number of dice
Y = the required successes

If my math is off, meh.

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Insomnia strikes again. I'm going to convert the dice pools of Mansions of Madness into percentiles so you can convert Call of Cthulhu scenarios into Mansions of Madness scenarios.

Use the following to convert difficulty ratings to dice successes on the Mansions of Madness D8s which have a 2/8 chance of 1 success (not using clues)

25% 1 Die
44% 2 Dice
58% 3
68% 4
76% 5
82% 6
87% 7
90% 8
92% 9
94% 10
96% 11
97% 12
98% 13
99% 15
100% 19

Note that this is only the probability of 1 success.

@Indignation If they're trying to keep up with the men, yes, but "high intensity" for women should be fine.

@37712 I'm going to paint them and you'll see they're perfectly serviceable with the cost and durability of plastic rather than resin.

@ButtWorldsMan I love it when Feminists blame all men for the actions of criminal black men, and then the government cracks down on white men white ignoring the black men who are actually doing the thing in the first place.

@gear I have natural insomnia and utilize that to increase my productivity. I don't drink energy drinks but do drink a lot of green tea which has as much caffeine as a can of soda.

You can also try meditation I lieu of "power naps" when you're feeling burned out or have low energy rather than reach for another energy drink.

I also find that taking "micro breaks" by getting away from your desk to work on errands or hobbies helps avoid crashes and burnout without chemicals.

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