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@smashtie @atoponce

Yup, which means that in cryptography, log2(∞) implies a purely theoretical key of infinite length.

Theoretical because actual keys are finite, and the unbounded infinite capacity of log2(∞) cannot be represented in binary or any number system, or even by the physical architecture of a classical computer.

Theoretically, a quantum computer could use such a function since it can in theory represent an infinite number of states.

In practise? I'd say nope.

@Wopu @Tfmonkey

Cloud seeding is used extensively by all governments.

I believe that part of the reason why there's such a coordinated media taboo about it is because it's an instrumental technology in the creating justification for the "climate change emergency" - a slow build of years of bullshit "data" that can be used to justify all kinds of fuckery, including lockdowns, when the time comes.


IFF "Me" is a classical computer, but it definitely got a snort from me.

@Stahesh @LysanderMooner

I'm not autisitic, but "the spectrum" as a concept means nothing if most of us here are not above average on it.

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat

That's a good take. Work from home denies females the benefits of in-person gynocentric advantage.

It's actually a great example of how gynocentrism works, feminism + state power.

@Stahesh @shortstories

It's an old gnostic symbol called the circumpunct. It has been adopted by many sects over the years.

Target uses it blatantly for their brand logo, and it was also famously used by Alan Moore in his Watchmen comic for Dr Manhattan, who adopted it as his personal logo.

@TrevorGoodchild @DonLegaracci @Eleutheria2 @Marakus

One day this will be translated and published into English, and I will hand my money over so fast when it does.

Two hardcover first editions.

@37712 @Indignation

Faggot Jew alert more like. It was the baby that did it.


A few years ago when it became clear to me that the people behind Globohomo were legit pushing the pedo agenda, that's when I thought to myself "What else is next?"

Beastiality and cannibalism came to mind.There are no brakes on this train.

@Mike_Microwave @ButtWorldsMan @Mongliab

"Stacy" doesn't exist. That tweet reeks of funding and desperation.

If I suddenly gained the power to remotely end the life of whoever wrote that tweet, chances are that some fat kike in the FBI would be having their worst day.

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW

It seems obvious to me that this has always been part of their goal.

Khazars will never let go of that dream.


I do get it. Maybe once upon a time the armed forces were a good choice for a young man to get out of his head and spend a few years learning how to do useful stuff, but not anymore. No way.

Trades are still a good option though. No women to fuck up the workplace, you get to hang out and learn from other guys and earn decent money with the chance to create your own business later on.

There are solutions.


All those ugly, bored, fat horny housewives itching to cheat on their husband.

The struggle is real.

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