I haven't seen the film, but what you describe @Zeb was the dominant social programming for men and boys at that time. It was the Gen-X life script constantly rammed down our throats with films just like that.
Thank God the internet has cut the legs out from all that bullshit, but it's come at a high cost.
Just from personal observation I'd say it's destroyed roughly 60% of fathers and families from my generation, and I'm including men of ambition, competence and guts.
Poor Emily, women just can't win in this man's world.
Well I finally watched the Tucker Carlson interview with historian Darryl Cooper and it was fire 🔥
Well worth a watch.
This is perfect in every way.
Look, just because billions must die doesn't also mean we can't leave pies out to cool.
Every IQ band in that Levels of Retardation picture overlaps with animal intelligence distributions.
In other words, dogs, pigs, magpies, ravens, monkeys, elephants, orca, octopi, and dolphins that score in the high tails for their species, also score higher than humans who score in the low tails of our species.
@Mongoliaboo @Indignation
So glad this exists still.
Hugo Boss FTW.
I can't be the only one who would absolutely love to see the bullshit models they worship of how they think this is going to work.
It's all coming apart for them: Malthus' original predictions have been dis-proven, Neo-Darwinsim is under serious challenge, and elite Fabian Socialism is failing all over the West.
Their vision is basically religious. But religious in the wild-eyed French revolutionary Enlightenment cult sense.
Beware of the French, they fuck everything up.
He nailed it, particularly about Kissinger. That guy was a true snake.
It's the thing they're most blind to.
Here's more degenerate thinking to add to the cesspool.
Imagine being so gaslit by queer ideology that you accidentally circle back to hetero.
Coins look and feel great, are convenient and more trustworthy, especially as part of a stored collection like a monster box, but they have horrible resale value.
Expect to pay way above spot for coins and at spot for resale.
For resale, bars are way better value.
Tea expert, retired Fire Nation general, former Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, Grand Lotus of the Order of the White Lotus, firebending master, mentor to loveable nephew retard Zuko, Dragon of the West.
Lover of anime tiddies.