No 3 doesn't have a small body, she has an enormous head.
Therapy is the feminist inversion of older wiser men being "fathers" or priests to young men.
A woman can never lead men, not spiritually or physically. It's a modern day heresy operating in plain sight.
Fuck therapy, it's one more Jewish psyop
George W Bush and Obama up-ended the Middle East, and now we're about to enter WWIII downstream of their contributions, but they get to retire in luxury?
Political consequences take generations to play out. Corruption thrives when true skin in the game has been eradicated.
No worries.
Happy to help ALL our rightist brothers find their feet and understand the landscape we all inhabit. Clarity above division.
The 2 most recent rightist analyses of the "right ecosphere" are:
1. Academic Agent: The Eight Schools of the Right (3 weeks ago),
2. The Court's Sense: A map of the Online Right & the Future of the Right Wing (9 months ago),
Both are good, AA is consistently the better resource IMO.
I *mostly* agree with AA in that Cheong, Candace and Tate are slop, though Court's Sense also provides a good taxonomy.
Comments welcome.
Cairn terriers, Beagles, Jack Russells, mixed breeds, you just love to see them work.
You can't take the wolf out of the dog. If you've ever watched a terrier breed go at a pack of rats you'd be amazed. Efficient and savage.
And they would be right. We often talk about Liberalism, Neo-Liberalism, Progressivism, Left/Right, but really we've been living under a Fabian Socialist operating system for the last 100 years. That would be more accurate.
The Fabian model is a superset of Left/Right.
Based recipe. Anti-bacterial, anti-viral, blood-tonic, and gut-healing.
You could also make this fresh using a masticating juicer for more potency if you have a strong enough stomach.
Pretty much. This is an entirely modern phenomena, enforced through countless TV/Movies that tells both men & women how to act in the nuclear family.
When families were multi-generational & embedded in multi-generational communities this didn't exist.
Men mostly did activities with other men & boys, and women/girls had their own thing going on.
If a woman got uppity with the men, the grandmas laid down the law & smacked the bitch out of her way before the men did.
@Justicar @Mongoliaboo @mrhorsetwat
Two Finnish dudes go out in a boat to fish and drink vodka. 6 hour later, one guy turns to the other and says "Did you catch many fish?"
The other says "Christ, are we here to fish or to talk?!"
@shortstories @Lorgar @marlathetourist
You're talking about a different set of kikes. There's no elite faction where there are NO kikes.
They always cover all bases.
The Finns are realists and alcoholics. They have a word called "Kalsarikännit", which means "Drinking by yourself at your house in your underwear with no intention of going out."
e.g. "Hey, want to go out this Friday?"
"No thanks, I'm going full Kalsarikännit"
If you're dipping your toes into Qubes you'll find this a useful spot:
Good luck.
@shortstories @ThatWouldBeTelling @Justicar @RegalBeagle
I'm talking about the majority ethnic Russians and their Rus-Nordic ancestry. This is not hard.
An insightful Islamic view on the geopolitics of Trump's re-election and speculation on what happens next. Well worth a listen.
* Expect new "anti-semitism" censorship and laws on an unprecedented scale.
* It's Israel's best and last chance to go for Greater Israel
* War with Iran almost certain, false flags required
* Isolate Iran from Russia
@dander @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
Funny as fuck.
Tea expert, retired Fire Nation general, former Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, Grand Lotus of the Order of the White Lotus, firebending master, mentor to loveable nephew retard Zuko, Dragon of the West.
Lover of anime tiddies.