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@VeganMGTOW @UncleIroh You can eat the fox or eagle.

In worse case you will be forced to eat vegan.

The chicken can easily survie on grass and bugs or insects. They evensearch for worms in the ground.

If you are worried about them being sick eat wild animals.

The Iranians trolled the fucking -Germ-ans 🔥🔥🔥

I watched this one. It's very good and the implication is so massive that Tucker made a point of not digging deep at all to not alarm the goyim.

Putin was right, Tucker doesn't ask any sharp questions, he's more of a dumb spectator in these views.

TFM was right about the intelligence community being at war with domestic populations.

This interview is 🔥

All the nuts and bolts - names, dates, how. This one's a keeper:

@PraxisOfEvil Music has been total shit for a long time. There was the volume war, then it was the same 3 people writing all the top-40 songs, then it was everything run through Pro Tools, Beat Detective, and Auto Tune, and the latest horror is people mumbling through their songs.

Television has been shit because it's the same 20 Los Angeles writers making the same scripts with the same beats and the same quips, and now they have to have inclusion which is a $20 word for saying "brown it up".

Movies have been shit because of much of the same with Television, but with the added bonus of every action movie being filmed live on location in some guy's computer, and with studios meddling to make sure that their $350,000,000 investment gets the maximum return.

Dropping out of mainstream entertainment is the perfectly normal reaction to it all being terrible, ugly, and derivative.

She looks real cute, easygoing and obedient right? But what do we really know about Ruffles?

* Secretly steals treats and easily gains weight
* Appears loyal but runs off while pretending not to hear you
* Is just that little more aggressive towards Asians and vegans (+1)
* Had a shady history with dobermans
* Sure, she's spayed, but how many puppies are out there?

You have been warned.

People are noticing the sudden uptick in politicians, billionaires and the wealthy liquidating their stocks, selling their homes, aquiring extra passports, giving up their Western passports in favor of "safe haven" destinations and buying up the land there.

There's also a backlog in demand for luxury underground bunkers.

What is the GAE? It's Academic's Agent's version of ZOG, or Yarvin's Cathedral.

Here's his explanation of GAE:

@kaiservenom posted a good video recently of someone mapping out who everyone is on the right, so these 2 videos go quite well together:


Re: Paternity Test Legailty

UK: Fathers can order a paternity test without the mother's permission.


France: It is illegal for fathers to order a paternity test without the mother's permission.


@shortstories @blitzdriver that's the full quote. It was simply a mental trick to get people to believe that any crackdown was an attack upon multiple groups and that YOU are next unless you protect the Communists.

Disclaimer: never take investment advice from anthropomorphic tigers.

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