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@kaiservenom I watched this whole thing and Vaush is the biggest dipshit commie debater ever. If you can stomach just listen to Vaush’s debate tactics.

@UncleIroh Ive said it before and I'll say it again Australia is the testing ground for global homo i.e the Jews don't been pushing multiculturalism and equality since Australia's inception no doubt they were here before World war 1 and World war II

You're still pissed Whites and Blacks came together to make the Republican party to stop you and the dems from enslaving the world... at least that way. You found other ways though.

I think you know any one of us could open the archives like this. That schizophrenia and Tay-Sachs disease you all carry among others is a bitch to being fair minded.
WWII is the last time White people will cover your ass for the evil you do willingly. Also Asians are picking up on who you are now, as well as others. Good luck making it to 2030 based on how you treat people.


🤡🌎Biden plans to link Israel and Ukraine, playing on the sympathy for Israel, to get Ukraine fully funded through 2025.

They know that support for Ukraine is falling quickly. So it is now or never.

This is one of those pork spending bills where there is something for everyone to get it over the finish line. A few $$$ for token border security, a few billion $$$ for Israel, tons of money for Ukraine and a bunch of other special $$$ earmarks for members of Congress to buy their support.

This dude is hilarious. The janitor is a 24 year old slavic pro weightlifter that goes to random gyms and does stuff like this to screw with people

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

Here is your list of the most powerful people in the United States having a position more powerful than the president with unlimitted money to buy every corporate CEO and politician in the world

If even one is Jewish than the percent of people on that board are greater than the percent of Jews in the United States and also the percent of Jews in thd world

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

Technically any position listed on media is not really the most powerful

The most powerful people or sentient beings or individuals will most likely not publicly let people know who they are

So technically I am wrong

But if you believe these people really exist and are not made up characters played by actors on the news media

Then these are the most powerful people in the world

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @37712

I don't hate Jews. We have an accurate description of their ability and thus can apply suitable prescriptions.

It is very simple. Jews as a collective minority within a host nation are a historically-proven net negative.

They are uniquely destructive.

Act accordingly & apply restrictions to their collective wealth, power & influence, or else suffer the proven historical costs.

In & of itself, this should by now be a universal truth.

Hans Shippe, a Jewish reporter

A lesser known but no less important figure is Hans Shippe. Born in 1896 in present-day Poland, Shippe joined the Communist Party of Germany as a young man. In the 1920s, he lived for a time in China, covering worker movements as a journalist. After returning to the country in the 1930s, he set up a Marxist-Leninist study group

My husband, Charles, was related to the only Jew, probably the only Westerner, to become a general in the Chinese Army – known as “Two-Gun Cohen” – who played a historic part in China’s abstention and the UN’s recognition of a Jewish state in 1947.


Jewish Advisors in the Roosevelt Administration

Adding to the situation was Roosevelt’s attitude toward Jews, which “was complicated,” Morgan asserted. He surrounded himself with Jewish advisors

Jewish Press

While in China, he served all around the country as a surgeon and Minister of Health in the Provisional Communist Military Government of China under Mao Zedong


Rosenfeld was born to a Jewish family

During the nineteenth century, both antisemites and those opposed to Freemasonry argued that Jews manipulated Masonic ideology and international connections for nefarious purposes.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.