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🎶I’ve been diggin tunnels, workin all day
Bloody mattress — stow it away!
So I can sit down here and goon my life away
Drag a goyim below and just have my way 🎶

@alex How long until this guy's writing the third temple of God in C?

@ButtWorldsMan I don't know about that. The era of making money directly from consumers is over. Now, the fake "pretend government" takes most of it through taxes, launders it through war, UN donations and schemes like FTX and then the shadow government at the World Economic Forum gives it to companies like Disney to produce agenda-driven media and hire their people. They still make money from us, just not through ticket sales.

@DEERBLOOD @nike Don't let up on the general racism though! That's important too!

@UncleIroh @shortstories Careful what you admit in public!

In Soviet Russia, tie knots YOU!


They literally do it

Rabbis Casting couch

Touched by a Rabbi

Sex with any "Jew" the Ashkenazi and Sephardic "Jews" want are requirements for job placement

That is why there are all the LGBT flags with the Jewish noahide rainbow

Because even the male politicians have to have sex with "Jews"

If you're dealing with anxiety from having Jews hiding in your apartment walls, watch this, it might help:

Why are there illegal tunnels under Brooklyn?

I wish we had more than 4 options, but anyway:

Everyone talks about the BBC, and tranny posting going away when Israel is preoccupied.
But does anybody notice how much Reddit dies down as well.

Look, I'm sure nothing untoward is happening in the illegally excavated caverns with baby strollers and blood stained mattresses in it that they are trying to fill in with concrete before the police can enter. What does it say about you for thinking something like that, you sick fuck?

You notice how in those videos of the underground kikes, they all look really pleased with themselves?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.