@basedbagel It Is gay unless you turn it into your house to flee The city when The Collapse happens
@blitzdriver vandalism for them not For me these people really need to be put in spike
@Zeb Good one 😁😁 But would be way better one with Teenegers Ninja Turtles
@37712 The Equivalent of Hollywood but for The Goverment
@dander Thank you for your Cervix
@shortstories Do you really think They Will move a finger to someone like TFM there are others way More bigger reasons to manipulated The Market
@Gonzo17 Isn't doxxable to Tell us what job you are doing?
@ugly_bastard_reborned Yeah pretty much
@shortstories Oh I though it was a open choice but you narrow it to religion institutions with scandals
@Based_Accelerationist Damn That woman Is being so Based but The Funny Part she Is unaware 😂😂😂😂
@shortstories Why you leave Pagans behind they have their own set of values distint from monoteist religions
@shortstories You should add neither or other to these pulls
@37712 yeah nothing like piss water with some farts yummy
@UncleIroh War with who?
@sardonicsmile Interesting The Private Trust he promotes I has never hear about it
@sardonicsmile Where I can find The full video I would love to show this to some friends?
@basedbagel Why waste Time on 304 if you want to be in Good shape do it cause you want be healthy not to impress 304
@ButtWorldsMan Nope The AI got it Right.