@Wopu That is actually pretty impressive. To be fair I have learn way more about Román history with memes that the semester in collage and high school combine
@sardonicsmile Well aleast the Future isn't China neither
@FinalDresdonation @Mr_Mister Fake and Gay.
@Zeb Everyone Cuck in the end the West Russia Irán maybe Israel Is the only country that don't Cuck that is actually funny
@Pain66 To be fairy black guys doesnt have any better neither.
@Based_Accelerationist Vote For KA-MALA is BASED if You believe in voting but All this is just a TV Show like "FRIENDS" or "The Big Bang Theory " to be honest I really enjoy Those Show if I got kids I would download the whole series and watch it with them.
@AngryWraith @sardonicsmile DAMN there is justice in this World
@RadiumLE85 Fake and Gay
@mutageno2 @Tfmonkey Keto Is the Best Say the Monkey that is in agony 🤡🤡🤡🤡
@mutageno2 @Based_Accelerationist Well that happens when people are too aware always have something behind a philosopher King mmm Marcus Aurelious is consider one but he allow his wife cuck him even though he was the most powerfull person of his time. And a Warrior to be honest if isn't Warrior using words instead of swords I don't think a Warrior have Too much to offer to this age of human develop.
@mutageno2 @Based_Accelerationist That is why I love Frederick Nietzsche he saw through all this almost 200 years before.
@Based_Accelerationist @mutageno2 Very Good conversation You guys are having.True the source the manifestation of the evil that surrounder us isn't female nature no woman arent evil they are dumb yes cause they are literally giant children with boobs, the source of all evil is weak men destile and breed into existence by Christianity.
@shortstories So Nick Fuentes don't support Donald Trump and rather support KA-MALA?
@leespringfield1903 @RegalBeagle Did I miss something what is the Jews doing to tech to blow the balls?
@Deuces Boomers still are in their late 50's and mid 60's this won't be fixed until the last one of them die I think the Covid Jab what a sort of saviour trying to clear the Pest we call Boomers
@Tfmonkey The Keto diet and it wonderful effects 😆😆😆