@Gonzo17 - noice! 👌🏻
@UncleIroh - Thank you! Me too. I just managed to have my son move to my town over this summer. And he should be around for as long as I can secure his mother's cooperation. It's a shitty deal on the face of it, 🤔 but time is irreplaceable... so I'm not gonna grouse overly much, but just enjoy the time I have and be grateful. It does feel like a cosmic imbalance has been corrected.😁🍻
I haven't read any legit biographies, but my thoughts were just from little factoids picked up here and there.
@DoubleD - Yeah, it just kinda clicked in my head as I was driving my shift at work today, listening to the show.
I've read that her death was a transformative event for him. It's what made Hitler become Hitler (by some accounts). They say that's when he became a vegetarian, because reportedly meat reminded him of dead flesh, and he could no longer bear it.
Who knows? 🍻
➡️ What if young Geli had somehow become ensnared in all of that. If all of Germany was like an inner-city American ghetto, then how likely is it that a young woman would get caught up in some ghetto shit? 🤔
And in a time when shame mattered more than it does now, what if the shit Geli got caught up in, drove her to suicide? What are the odds that Hitler would blame the Jews?
I've always been baffled by Hitler's irrationality. But if there's any truth to this supposition, then maybe I can see.
➡️ Now, Hitler was a decorated WWI vet, who fought in the trenches and survived a gas attack. Losing my son was bad, but being a soldier in WWI would be worse.
Imagine though, what if Geli Raubal (Hitler's niece) played a similar role in his life. What if Geli helped Hitler to maintain his humanity after what he had lived through.
She died in 1931. If Weimar was everything they say, with the poverty and all the prostitution, and the largely Jewish profiteering from it all... 🤔➡️
➡️ Back when my son was taken from me, my days were very dark for a long time. I wanted to leave a trail of bodies in the wake of my wrath. And I was ready to chop down an entire family tree.
But I had a niece. She's grown now, and acting like a typical young woman, sadly. But at the time she was a sweet girl, who pestered me with her smile, until the cloud over my head would lift for a short spell.
Unknowingly, she helped me decide to keep my humanity, instead of going for the high score. ➡️
Years ago I was having an online political discussion, and Hitler came up (shocking, right?). Anyway, someone mentioned he had a niece that died of suicide, with the insinuation of some kind of pedophilic predation. And it fits the narrative. I mean, if Hitler's already the most evil person to ever live, then why not make him a pedophile too?
But if anyone wants to entertain the idea that Hitler wasn't as bad as they say, then I have an alternative thought about it. ➡️
@CheshireHuman - some things are impossible to fully appreciate until they are experienced. 😌🍻
@ButtWorldsMan - assuming this is true (a big "if"), it would just go to show that IQ is not the end-all be-all.
Even high IQ people struggle with their emotions, and are subject to their hormones. 💁🏻♂️
@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu - Lol! Honestly, I hardly ever give it a second thought.
I'm just picky about my pillows, and I side-sleep with a stack of them. It's these massive shoulders, you see...
@Tfmonkey - It's fair - a good message.
I don't seek the Rubicon. But if it should ever flow my way... 🤔 Well, I won't stand aside. 🫡🍻
@Based_Accelerationist - I genuinely think our odds are better than average, because we're willing to see our reality for what it is, regardless of how ugly/depressing it may be.
And the key to navigating reality successfully (resulting in survival these days), is to see it accurately. 🍻
@Tfmonkey - I just realized this is probably referring to market antics. I tell ya, if I didn't have a big pile of properly stored food, gasoline, and lead... 🤔 I'd probably be more concerned right now.
Nothing like peace of mind. 🍻
@VooDooMedic - Persia is blotting out the sun, with missiles.
@VooDooMedic - seems like a bad idea to me... 🤔
Nature is running its course, and mohammed wants 13yo war brides.
@Based_Accelerationist - It's a fair point. At the end of the day, men's problem is other men - those enforcing the gynocracy.
And that problem is very much out of hand. So... wait for those men to perish, at least to a suitable extent that they can be confronted on more even terms, and we learn a very expensive lesson for the rebuild.
We should drop Christianity, and play our part for the ages in the meantime. 🍻
@Tfmonkey - I had a wake-up call. Played laser-tag with my boys yesterday (I quasi-adopted my son's cousin as a nephew - cuckish or building a future army? 🤔 eye of the beholder 💁🏻♂️). And I was worn out for the next 6hrs... that ain't how I remember things. So, I must be getting old.
I may go for a bike-ride later today as it cools down. 🍻
@WaveClearMid - is homeboy getting drafted or something? 🤔
@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Tfmonkey - 😅 I haven't caught the show yet, but this reminds me of a funny quirk I gotta deal with.
Apparently I have some sort of major nerve in an odd spot, because I've never been able to sleep on my back. Whenever I do, my arms go numb and immobile.
I woke up once at 21 or so, with only the power to move my legs. Trying to flip over, while using only your legs and in fear of dislocating a shoulder or hyper-extended a locked elbow... I woke up impersonating a seal. 😂
@DoubleD - It's the little things that drive the larger point home.
I would bet money that her personality was as off-putting as her appearance was pleasing (once scratching the surface). But imagine: under patriarchy she would probably be pleasant to be around too. 🍻