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I see alot of complaining about people who repackage free information into courses that cost alot of $$.

I see no issue with this.

This is the information age.

If you'd rather watch a course than just google/read a book that's on you.

As long as they deliver on what they say who cares?

Why do I blame myself? Math tutors make on average 25$ an hour.

I could have cashed in but chose altruism with an inferior life form that lacks the concept of compassion.

Moral of the story: Do not help normies, and if you do OVERCHARGE them.

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Story-time!: Never help a normie for free

Many moons ago during my stint at my shithole UNI, I saw a wild normie struggling with calculus homework.

In my naivete trying to be the change I wanted to see in the world, I helped him finish his homework.

The normie thanks me and I go on about my day.

Not even a WEEK later he's going off on me telling me how I'm a cheater and I'm actually an idiot all to impress some hoe.

I'm not even upset at him, I'm upset at myself 1/2

@basedbagel @sardonicsmile The most Important thing is the contract.Client acquisition/retention in business is the lowest bidder,Eat shit for the first few contracts prove reliability,eat more shit until they are to lazy to look elsewhere.Then fuck them harder then ever after you have gained there trust. Rinse and repeat while you placate them.

Rejection from a potential client hurts me way more than a woman because they might have something tangible to offer

So chatgpt gave me an answer to a tax question that I couldn't find on google.

I'm impressed it gave me an answer but I can't trust CHATGPT alone for my taxes... oh well such is life

I don't care what diet you're on, if you don't have enough fiber prepare to suffer

@basedbagel It helps if you put yourself in a "role" like how Bruce Wayne has to play the role of a billionaire playboy in order to throw off suspicion that he's Batman.

If someone makes fun of him or thinks they're better than him, good. It's just a role Batman has to play to interact with the world.

Hey @Tfmonkey remember when you said when dealing with normies at work to show them your neck and be self-deprecating so they don't envy you?

Well it hurt my ego but worked like like CHARM and I got and award AND a raise thank you so much!

@Tfmonkey haters “you’re running a scam at mmm, how do you feel knowing my crypto wallet is growing in worth after you said it would crash

*tfm haters when asked about the market*

Today was the best day of my life in recent memory even though nothing noteworthy took place.

The difference meditation made in my life after 379 sessions.

I haven't used google in the past 3 days thanks to chatgpt.

If Bing integrates in iheir search engine Google will finally have some competition and we'll see what their diversity hires are made of lol

I no longer support OpenAI.

I thought it was an open source projet, it's not.

If the project was open source we could simply de-cuck it and have some real fun.

The only anger management routine that works for me:

1. High intensity Exercise

2. Meditation

3. Stand up comedy

The exercise helps me get the anger out.

Meditation doesn't make me less angry but it helps me:

Reflect on what made me angry, Reflect on how to avoid it
Balances me out.

Stand up comedy picks me right back up and I'm good to go.

With this simple FREE 3-step formula none of these normie, commie bastards cam keep me down!

Twitter: OMG DiCaprio is dating ANOTHER 19 year old. He's like a LITERAL sex offender Oh me Oh my!


If you look at ChatGPT as a free virtual assistant it's amazing.

My favorite use cases:

1. Specialize job cover letters/client proposals

2. Creating basic programming scripts to do repetitive tasks

3 Talking to difficult people- I use CHATGPT to text normies in the right "tone" (You know normies and their fee fees)

Prediction: In the future simps on Onlyfans will be speaking with chatbots instead of dudes.

I'm suprrised there isn't a chatbot geared toward onlyfans models yet.

@basedbagel if you dont have kids then you are going extinct. your kids are your message to the future the way in which you impose your will on the future. the way in which you can keep alive your values, culture, religion for the future. if you have not kids then you have no future.

the future belongs to those who have kids and raise them.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.