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I am glad I learned the important lesson of hiding my power level, as recently I was with extended family and the conversation of the rise in cancer in younger people came up. I was tempted to interject that those experimental "vaccines" might have had something to do with it.

But no, that would accomplish nothing. "Better detection methods of finding cancer" was the next part of that conversation, and I am fine leaving it at that. No use in convincing those who would not be receptive.

@matty >%20 percent of your income to have sex a few times.

That is just a more expensive form of prostitution. And no guarantees she does not also go to the state to demand child support back payments while not acknowledging the previous payments. So this is absolutely a terrible deal.

It is both sad and hilarious that NPR had a segment talking about Trump's "dangerous rhetoric," heavily implying how horrible it would be if he were to be elected.

As if we did not see that already happen from 2017-2021 where Trump had a very underwhelming presidency overall (though no new wars was good). Most of Trump's "terribleness" was only in the heads of faggots on Twitter and Reddit throwing bitchfits. Him saying things that are "mean" is not an actual concern.

@LoliHat just because you break down the details at length, it does not mean the task is difficult. Making real food that uses things like a stove or oven is not even that difficult. You just need to be able to read some directions. There are illiterate who can still figure out how to cook, so there is no excuse good enough to not know how to cook.

@Based_Accelerationist not a bad theory. Though regardless of any causes, I would not be surprised if she was already dead and the "cancer diagnosis" buys them enough time to later admit that she is dead as she "lost her battle with cancer." Either way, we know they are lying about something. There would be no sloppy cover up otherwise.

@Vril_Oreilly @Terry Indeed. Not even the normiest of normies or the most libtarded lefty would argue that the USA had the greatest number of losses during WWII.

Of course this will benefit Israel greatly, so it is an easy issue to attempt to give to the conservative mainstream as a way they can get a "win" by "stopping the terrorists at the border." This hardly serves as a consolation prize when illegal border crossing are going unchecked and being encouraged and enabled by those in power.

Granted, most on the right are against illegal immigration otherwise. I just do not want anyone on the right seeing "stopping Hezbollah" as anything significant.

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Listening to the local boomercon radio station talking about "Hezbollah terrorists were found crossing the border" makes me very suspicious. Not because of what the normie conservatives think, but rather that this is just a gayop to get those on the right to continue supporting interventionist policies in the Middle East because "We have to stop them there before they come attack us here! See? There they are crossing the border!"

@Engineer >You can help procreate and make gay little babies for the whole human race

The correct response is "No, my kids will not be gay because I will make sure they are not molested at a young age."

Mfw one of my co-workers just had his 4th kid and female shitlibs lost their minds. Started to chimpout about him having too many and he just said: as long as i can pay without getting a loan i can add more to the list.
They were kvectching about muh climate faggotry. he wants to have another one, So far its 3 boys and 1 girl.

@dassauerkraut @jazzilla @Shlomo Hearing stories like this pisses me off since there is not one European country that has an above replacement birth rate (US is in the same boat too). Would these same shitlibs object to the huge influx of immigrants coming into a country where they will contribute more to "climate change" (by their own standards)?

No, because they are just harpies that hate any straight white male making more of his kind.

While I see US balkanization as a highly likely possibility, I think that it would require a full blown collapse to actually take place. I mean no electricity in some areas for an extended period of time collapse. There is too much sunken cost on transportation, supply chains, and government for it to just be gone easily. And that is not factoring in the government being completely opposed to any sort of separation.

Which means any "national divorce" is not going to happen.

@sj_zero The numbers on a balance sheet are also not able to provide the full picture of the quality of your life. Housing/rent prices are a great example. Many houses in expensive areas make it so that any extra income living in an area is canceled out by just paying for your mortgage or rent.

I remember seeing a place in LA in Zillow that cost 500K. It was in terrible condition, and most certainly would need renovation and cleaning. 500K can get you a very nice place in many other areas.

The sad part is, that Destiny doesn't seem to even begin to gasp the depth of this error. This was an open declaration of war towards a civilized discourse. They "killed the science" with that single moment.

@kaiservenom @Tfmonkey Still can't read that text in the bottom left. Though it is not necessary as it implies a whole lot of mental gymnastics to assume that you can be "libertarian left." Equality (or more accurately the attempt at it) can only come about with overt force from the top. This is why I have more respect for Auth-Lefts that Lib-Lefts, at least they are honest about what they would need to do in order to pursue their goals.

@DW2 Advertising this on Advil products is just plain moronic, as the premise of this claim is rooted at hospitals, not for over the counter pain medication.

I have to wonder if there is more going on to this claim than what we are being told. Such as when it comes to things like dosages for pain killers at hospitals where using too much could cause overdose issues, but blacks not realizing this and claiming racism when they are not given more than this limit would allow.

Just a theory though.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @PraxisOfEvil Pretty much all of these "number go up" graphs can be summed up by inflation and the artificial strangelhold of "the pandemic" that the government forced on everyone.

The graphs all conveniently start at 2020. These journalists know exactly what they are doing, and for that they deserve every bit of contempt that comes there way.

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