@VooDooMedic When you invite niggers in Europe and they turn out not be doctors and engineers. This is the same concept.
@lord_nougat @Terry Thats why it didn't go in production.
@Terry Meanwhile at Volvo. https://www.supercars.net/blog/2004-volvo-ycc-concept/
@shortstories @Indignation Grandma. Theyre asian after all.
@VooDooMedic This pedo wants to take your guns. (It will be easier for him to go after your kids.) Do we do it the russian way?
@Tfmonkey Here is the info about ozempic and fertility. It was just poor absorbtion of the pill and fat women regaining their fertility.
@VeganMGTOW @VooDooMedic @ButtWorldsMan This is just how germans speak.
@Stahesh I found MatPat to be one of the few lefties that I like. Too bad he is retiring. I will miss him as a host.
@VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat @ButtWorldsMan Its a german. All you have to do is start yelling in russian and watch him shit his pants.
@VooDooMedic @ButtWorldsMan Lets laught at germans: "Pay for my dinner or give me your info so I can sue you using German laws in Laos"
@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic This should the the anthem of the ghetto. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gM3T1XLJjuU&pp=ygUUbm93IHlvdSBhIHNpbmdsZSBtb20%3D
@sardonicsmile **Women that can't get men hate men**
@[email protected] @DrFell @Lori We knew a thing or 2 about why a centralized church is shit, since 1054.
@kaiservenom @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic These are the cops I want to back. Back the green, fuck the blue.
@ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @Zeb @Stahesh I asked for it, I got it. I will remove my eyeballs now.
Еу ыс заебит. Дакэ ынцелеӂь, ешть де-ал ностру.