Anyone who is White looking can claim to either be a Jew or claim to be White and no one can tell the difference for sure by looking
What if the people who own the news media just told all actors and news anchors to say that they are Jewish so that if there are any complaints they can say the complainers are being anti-semitic and shut down the complaints
In such a case perhaps more than half who say they are Jewish are not but just say they are so that no one can criticize them
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@ButtWorldsMan I sold oil yesterday for an 8 percent gain. And now even when fundamentals are as strong as they ever have been, oil shits the bed . It's fucking fucked mate
Those who plead you to look past Trump's groveling, because if you want to be a politician you have to shill for Jews and deep down he wants what's best for America, must have a vested interest in his victory. It's as if we didn't see what a Trump presidency looks like. He gave Netanyahu the "key to the White House", he pardoned Jewish criminals, he went along with every psyop, how can anyone give him the benefit of the doubt at this point?
I'm no fan of Fuentes but he's telling the truth:
And props to Nick for acknowledging Chabad Lubavitch and their influence over Putin. I wonder why this part of his speech doesn't get any attention and why certain people try to pretend this isn't true, but Jews own Russia. It's interesting how much backlash he's getting for this.
Whenever I hear about how horrible Russia and China are due to their governments arresting political dissidents for their speech, I just realize how ignorant many Americans are. Sure, the US government will not directly arrest you for your speech, but they will engage in every form of lawfare possible and coerce "private companies" into acting on their behalf, and in the end arrest you for something else they think they can charge you with.
That totally makes us a free country, right?
Man FACING LIFE IN PRISON For Filming A Street Fight, Major Police Corruption
Tim Pool
As you may know, even within these islands there are differences of opinion between people about which vegetable is a turnip and which is a swede.
It was* to remove this source of friction that a chap^ by the name of Gilfeather crossed the two plants to create the imaginatively named “Gilfeather’s Turnip-Swede”.
*I am making this up. On checking, I find it was a naturally-occurring hybrid.
^Ditto, but I’m right: he was called John. I do wonder if it was his Mrs, having pulled it out in order to prepare dinner, was the one who actually said “Husband John! Be this thing a turnip or be it a swede?”
Tonight, I get to see how it tastes. Dog has already approved.
What? AI is racist?
When two groups you loathe go after each other then just stand back and watch and laugh.
Chicago Gangs DECLARE WAR On Migrants
Dr Sam Bailey, EARTH SUMMIT - World Corruption, Sept 24, 2024
Jim Rizoli
This is a section of the kike Talmud a core religious book of people who call themselves Orthodox Jews it says
Rather, Rav Aḥa, son of Rav Ika, says that there is a different explanation: It is necessary only to teach the halakha of one who withholds the wages of a hired laborer; for a gentile to do so to another gentile and for a gentile to do so to a Jew is prohibited, but for a Jew to do so to a gentile is permitted.
Sanhedrin 57a
Why do Kikes steal gentile wages?
This is a section of the kike Talmud a core religious book of people who call themselves Orthodox Jews it says
"With regard to bloodshed, if a gentile murders another gentile, or a gentile murders a Jew, he is liable. If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt."
"With regard to robbery, the term permitted is relevant, as it is permitted for a Jew to rob a gentile."
Sanhedrin 57a
Nationalism not Globalism
Local Anarchist communities not Worldwide Anarchism
Corporations, United Nations Governments, Most Media and Most Clergy are on Team Evil
The Jewish religion intends to exterminate Christians
The Jewish religion intends to enslave or exterminate Gentiles or Goyim
Palestinians are the true Hebrew Israelites
at short stories at
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