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Rollo had some seminal work. When he turned tradcon is when I stopped following him. They are not wrong on this:

Life after death: Saving the sperm of Israel’s killed sons - BBC World Service

I like many others experienced an outage in cell phone coverage. But I had to remember that it was in reality just a minor convenience to my own life rather than something truly catestrophic. I could be someone living in the Southeast right now that lost their house and family members.

So I have little reason to complain.

Senator Claire Chandler, Senator for Tasmania holy based for a women

A woman has NO reservations getting obsessed with a Man she aroused by. She is not concerned about his low Status/Money/Values because she is not planning on getting commitment from that Man. Instead she is searching for a man, mentally subservient but with high status so she can leech off him and show off.

How come the politicians are crazy nuts in so called no nut November

Seems to me like the voting process is for nuts has blocked the following instances: for "Admins wanna act like a little piss baby" for "Build your wall somewhere else" for "Law enforcement ran mastodon server"

The BIS members are central banks of 63 jurisdictions: 34 in Europe, 16 in Asia, 5 in South America, 3 in North America, 3 in Africa, and 2 in Oceania.[30][31] The United States is represented by two members, the United States Federal Reserve System and Federal Reserve Bank of New York."

Bank For International Settlements BIS

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Did you know that Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia participates in meetings with the bank of international settlements the same bank of international settlements that participates with the kike owned federal reserve in the U.S.A.

"The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international financial institution which is owned by member central banks.[2] "

" Saudi Central Bank*"

"In the list below, (*) indicates members of the BIS Global Economy Meetings "

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Supposedly Muslims cut off the hands of thieves but there are kikes who participate in fraudulent banking practices allowed to visit Muslims countries without losing their hands

Does this indicate that so called Muslim countries are run by kikes and not Muslims

Pay attention,this will happen world wide sooner than later

""Morale among the R.A.F. pilots would have suffered if they pointed the finger of blame at each other. It was far better to make the scapegoat a fantastic and comical creature than another member of your own squadron.""

Source for screenshot

Were Gremlins a Psychological Operation invented by the military?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.