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You're not the boss of me.

Some people believe that Korea was spelled with a K instead of a C and the Philippines were spelled with a Ph instead of a F as part of a Japanese conspiracy to make Japan appear earlier in dictionaries than Korea and the Phillipines

But the weird thing is the people are spelled Filipino but the country is spelled the Phillipines

I do not care if the F or Ph is used but pick one and only one


'Holocaust Inversion' (noun):

1. Committing genocide as a matter of 'security' while instrumentalizing the Holocaust as a shield against investigation & criticism.

2. The reversal of Germany's role as persecutor in a genocide to enabler and contributor as a former victim-nation pursues a genocidal campaign of its own.

3. An accusation leveled by an extremist state against any critic while engaged in (1) above; see also: 'antisemitism' in this context.

#devilsdictionary #gaza


The wide spread use of Statistical Significant tests in peer reviewed scientific journal articles is or is part of a Jewish psychological operation

@houseoftolstoy Here Is another joke of course Crook miss since Not a single bullet where shot

Got a Dad joke for everyone about the failed Trump assassin:

It really should not be a shock that he tried to kill President Trump, after all he comes from a family of Crooks!

The same group of people who say Trump is a threat to Democracy also whined nonstop to pack the courts, which would have turned Biden into a dictator.

Each day I await The Great Culling.

@Tfmonkey So the assassination attempt on Trump was real because they shot his ear instead of his arm or shoulder? C'mon man, have you seen any magic trick, ever?
Was his ear visibly damaged?

Or could they have simply told the shooter to aim at the crowd and when he hears the shots, Trump touches his ear, takes cover and his security places some fake blood on him? I mean, it's that simple to stage, you don't need that much imagination.

@Tfmonkey Trump isn't Putin, if they call for his arrest, Trump will go peacefully, as we've seen. Why didn't they get him while he was alone instead of choosing such a high profile method that will only make everyone think they're trying to kill him?? And WHY would they even try to assassinate Israel's golden boy in the first place? Isn't it way more logical to assume, at least until we have some evidence of the opposite, that this is just another strategy to further turn Trump into a martyr?

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@SarahGation That happened to me in June. I lost power for 2 days. 🙁

Had to charge up at the library.
@Jonny @shortstories >connect with his jewish heritage in denver

because its lizard sub humans that undermine the citizenry there?
i hate how they put this kike shit in your face like it qualifies them somehow

make kikes afraid to declare their kikeness again


More Korean mistakes in duolingo

They sometimes switch the word my and our especially switching "my house" with "our house"

my 제
our 우리

Some of you might be wondering why South Dakota passed the israeli boycott bill. I grew up there. The state is ran by a very powerful jewish family called the Adalsteins. The patriarch of the family, Phil Adalstein was at my Army officer commissioning ceremony at Mount Rushmore when I graduated college in 2002. They own the largest private bank in the state.
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A club for red-pilled exiles.