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TechWomen brings emerging women leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from Africa, Central and South Asia, and the Middle East together with their professional counterparts in the United States for a mentorship and exchange program. TechWomen provides participants access to networks, resources, and knowledge to empower them to reach their full potential.

SPEECH | April 9, 2018
How We Need to Prepare for a Global Cyber Pandemic

National Security Agency/Central Security Service

NSA dot gov

“Shutting off the internet in times of political upheaval, civil unrest and instability is one of the key building blocks for authoritarianism,” a cybersecurity expert at the World Economic Forum said."

"Governments, in coordination with public and private internet service and utility providers, can shut down the internet in many ways."

WEForum dot org

@Tfmonkey When we don't have all the facts, we use logic, don't we?
And the odds of Trump miraculously dodging that bullet, while every shill on the right was hyping up the idea of an assassination attempt, when the "Cathedral" had so many ways to end his life without making it obvious, are ridiculously small. Now what if, for instance, the plan is to turn Trump into a hero so everyone (including the Left) accepts fighting WW3 when he drafts them? Ridiculous? Maybe, but still far more probable.

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The wide spread use of Statistical Significant tests in peer reviewed scientific journal articles is or is part of a Jewish psychological operation

Subaru Soltera translation

Also, sol=Sun and Terra=earth

Literally, the sun and earth belongs to single women. They know their market

Is it true that, Lex Luther made am AI face tracker to find superman. And it kept telling him that it was Clark Kent, and he ended up destroying it cuz he could accept the fact that, Superman is a wage slave lol? If Lex knew Lois thought she could do better the Superman, he would pimp slap her.

@Tfmonkey Edward Snowden revealed that spy craft organizations government and non government,are involved in online video games,between the propaganda media and MKUltra type psyops entrapment and radicalization of young dumb,Aderall prescribed,energy drinking,skinny jeans wearing,low IQ call of duty shitheads,can be befriended manipulated and activated as political operatives by agents behind a cubicle anonymously,Shooter announced on Steam”July 13 will be my premiere,watch as it unfolds”

The want/need to do something, when there is nothing, you can do...
it's hard to accept the fact that there is nothing you can do sometimes.

you just have to see the house of card be destroyed, all your sacrifice, sleepless night, your struggles for nothing. meanwhile forces out of your control keep raising the goal post.

Found a video that brought me some clarity. Living according to how reality is, and not how you want it to be takes a great deal of energy.

Many people are calling out the assassination attempt on Trump as a staged event to boost his image and cult following. Most of them are leftists, which isn't surprising as the Left never liked Trump.

What is surprising, is how much the media is attacking them, they've even started calling it BlueAnon! And of course, the Right-wing controlled opposition is taking full advantage. After all, the mere idea that this one assassination might have been staged to some extent, needs to be shut down!!

What a retarded shit hole the West has become. Even utility workers are being harassed. Fuck knows why! Would niggers rather live in the dark.

@shortstories when I was in school I was told not to give into peer pressure when i know i'm right and they're wrong, but you get to college and it's all like 'ablah ablah ablah your work is only worth anything if these jew-funded "peers" say so'
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