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No taxes is ideal but

If the only tax was sales tax then voters would be taxpayers and taxpayers would be voters

Of course if one got more benefits in welfare then the sales tax they pay then they would not be net taxpayers

But I would simply suggest that the problem would not be as bad if we removed the benefits of extra welfare for having more children and extra welfare for being unemployed and simply gave everyone employed or unemployed the exact same amount of Universal Basic Income

David Duke My Awakening Part 1 of 2



I could not seem to get my awakening by David Duke to play on Bitchute, it would not advance the play time clock beyond 0 seconds after the advertisements when play was hit

I clicked on download and it opened a new link that plays the sound

That link that actually plays the sound is the first of the two links

The second link was the one that led to the first link

Let's say a group of people does not understand mathematics well enough to understand any sort of economics claims that involve quantities of things

Teaching them more math

1 Would result in more of them supporting high government spending

2 Would not change the amount of them that support high government spending

3 Would result in more of them opposing high government spending

Kamala Harris is

Constellations are conspiracy theories. It's SCIENCE!

asian women are the world's greatest White Supremacists

The United Nations sets up an emergency government system called the United Nations Imperium of Total Emergency (UNITE) and declares that anyone who does not receive the mark of the beast identifying them with UNITE will be arrested.

If Kamal-Toe is really going to be the nomination, then there are now 2 fronts to divide and conquer over, race and sex.

Given the feminist backlash we've seen everywhere, I'm expecting a tidal wave of "anti-misogyny" flak to start any day now.

We're all domestic terrorists now.

@VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist @sardonicsmile

It was real dude, a man got his head blown in front of dozens of witnesses. However the secret service's DHS rent a cops on site let the shooter take his shot on purpose, it was an inside job.

I wish Biden still was running for President. If any of this election stuff is real then I wanted to see Biden in charge for another term and mess things up more. I would rather have an incompetent evil person in charge than a competent evil person in charge

@Tfmonkey What was the ai art generator you use, again? Been a long time since I tried it.

"Points of interest

"TV series
Season one
Intent on getting to Maga to find the Secret Scrolls, the Knothole Freedom Fighters traveled to the Great Mountains in the Freedom Stormer in order to find the ancient city. After reaching Maga, the Freedom Fighters began searching the city for the Secret Scrolls"

Why is MAGA mentioned more than two decades before Donald Trump became President on a TV show script?

@Tfmonkey webapp-newwebsite-prod-hk.azur COP 29 is after US elections in Azerbaijan read the Attracting private capital at scale section of the article above what a great place and time to sign a treaty changing the Banking system backed by Carbon Credits in a block chain involving the UN and NDB(BRICS)they been planning it for years

@Tfmonkey * Attracting private capital at scale. We are working to increase our mobilization of private capital, including for climate. Activities include enabling regulatory environments that remove distorting subsidies and require or reward green investments; greening local financial systems; developing pipelines of climate and green investments; addressing currency exchange risks; and developing innovative instruments, including blended finance, and carbon pricing instruments

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@Tfmonkey you often keep saying you have no cohosts to stream with. How about changing your streaming schedule tu suit Europe time zone more favourably and see if there is more active pool of listeners to engage with?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.