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Muh based Russia...LOL
Russia: "We have a serious issue with marriage and fertility rates due to women's rights and punishing men for trying to create families.
Quick! Let's give whamyn MORE rights and punish men HARDER to try to reverse it!"

Do NOT let manosphere content creators trick you into thinking feminism is a bad thing in modern soyciety. I understand women were empowered to the point where it looks like they're the ones running everything, but remember that it's MEN who give/enforce their rights as well as the tyranny.

And how do you deal with these men? Do you "wake them up"? Ha!
No, you forbid them from reproducing with, you guessed it, Feminism!

Unless you like bugs and pods, you don't want more worker drones.

I'm seeing this everywhere now, so I guess this is the new controlled opposition narrative: "Israel is bad, but only because the people in charge aren't real Jews! They're Khazarian/Frankists/Satanists!
They're not following the Torah, but disrespecting it"

This is obviously a cope and I'm sure it will play very well among Christian groups, especially since the people spewing these stories, also deny dinosaurs existed, like Candace Owens:

Which group is more responsible for taking away people's freedoms?

European states do not receive raw materials, but rather the refugees from these war zones.

Globally, the European states are increasingly losing their reputation in many areas

Energy will also become very expensive for ordinary citizens, which will lead to further social and public problems.

A massive increase in crime in major European cities has been observed over the last few decades and can also be statistically proven.

Islam is religion of the stupid. Christianity is religion of the slaves. Judaism is the religion of the wicked. Buddhism is the religion of the individualists. Taoism is the religion of the stoics. I think that explains why Islam is rising and why there are so many white atheists.

How sad it is that a basic concept like evolution is still so heatedly debated in current year, when people in Ancient Greece already grasped it?

Abrahamic religions really are the worst thing that ever happened to mankind.

Is Trump the Messiah/Antichrist? & Biden Denies Netanyahu | Know More News LIVE w/ Adam Green

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Complain about all the other "Jews" having a low birth rate

Ignore Orthodox "Jews" trying to enslave you because their high birth rate makes it OK

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A club for red-pilled exiles.