
Just as a brief aside, let's check in on mr. open relationships

Imagine being cucked by this dude.
Can't be me.
Cuz my name isn't Destiny.

Hello darkness my old friend


I've come to talk with you again...

@ButtWorldsMan Is he the sweet boy with the trust fund and the long dong who was horse fucking destiny’s Finalized fiancé visa bride?


There was a comedy fake game show where you are shown pictures of people and you have to guess if someone is gay or french and one of the people shown in a picture was a trick question because they were "Actually British"

This story is the best ending for the mgtow. The only way it could get more hilarious is if the girl was the actually a tranny fucking destiny in the ass the whole time.

@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan I know, I meant that's the funniest ending for us, the mgtow community. Gotta love seeing these leftists get divorce crushed.
It's not over yet, she will take all his money.

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan TFM crushed that queer in debate After that episode his old lady had no respect for him and his peer reviewed bullshit,TFM would have choke fucked his foreign bitch into simian submission and had her baking bagels

@Stahesh @Scubbie @Zeb @ButtWorldsMan everyone told Destiny an open relationship was going to end badly. He was just so proud of himself and thought he was "more secure" because he allowed it.

I don't anyone besides himself defended it.

@Tfmonkey @Stahesh @Scubbie @Zeb Internet autists have outlawyered destiny in his own word games.

1. Destiny says he's not a cuck by definition because his relationship is consensual & based on trust.
2. Destiny has claimed that while he himself was forthright with his hole shopping, this was a one way deal as she penis perused without telling.
3. The trust was breached. This was not the agreement. Destiny didn't consent.

The prosecution rests, your honor. Destiny is a cuck, by definition.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @Stahesh @Scubbie @Zeb
Where's your source bro? Everyone knows arguments are worthless without links. The defence rests.

Pure comedy gold! Do you think he will tranny himself?

@marlathetourist @ButtWorldsMan

Thank you for putting this together.

It was a great ab workout laughing at this delusional cuck!

Moral of the story:

1. Don't open a marriage

2. Don't get married.

3. Don't cuck yourself

4. Don't make your relationships public.

5. Don't commit to females that have been raped before.

And most importantly, ALWAYS live your life by peer-reviewed studies.

Just like that pussy, Destiny doesn’t get Hypergamy either.

@marlathetourist @ButtWorldsMan

This is what he gets for making a mockery of the institution of marraige and promoting his LGBT nonsensical lifestyle.

And he's in too deep to make a red pill pivot as he gets taken to the cleaners.

@ButtWorldsMan I listened to this for a few minutes for some laughs.
Cuck literally talks himself into circles trying to make things seems amicable.
Part of me feels bad, I been there before, more than I'd like to admit. But in my defense, I didn't have anyone around telling me red pill truths.

@ButtWorldsMan What I can't get How with this Weak Twink Dude. I would understand with The BBC or a rich guy but that broomstick human Wanna be

@VeganMGTOW He's better looking than her other boyfriend before destiny.

@ButtWorldsMan He looks like a girl so she Is a closet lesbian I guess

Hahahaha omg this is so good I'm crying lol This is saved forever on the internet, it will never be forgotten. So awesome

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan Don't be a cuck, even as a shitty ironic joke, since you will become the joke.

@ButtWorldsMan Destiny's a piece of shit but that whore should have been chained to a radiator years ago

@ButtWorldsMan I'm surprised it lasted this long. Guess he was bankrolling all her hobbies and expenses

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan

Heartwarming on so many levels. Can't wait for the debate-sphere to begin clubbing Destiny senseless about this in future debates.

But we're still not done with this arc of watching progressive married men getting publicly raped by the redpill. Not until Meghan divorces Harry.

That will be the capstone.

@ButtWorldsMan How much you want to bet that he licked his wife's boyfriend's cum out of her pussy?

@mrhorsetwat I'm wondering if they ever fucked at all. Regardless of what you want to believe, Destiny has money and e-fame. He gets pussy. That retard then decided to get married for some reason.

@ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat
The reason is the usual one: she demanded it. She needed a green card and half his shit when she leaves.

@ButtWorldsMan @Zeb All these nice cars and he still chose a british Range Rover. Breaks down all the time, expensive AF and anyone can break into it by cutting a hole in the back.

@mrhorsetwat @ButtWorldsMan
I was legit surprised in 2019 when I found out there were real car factories in the UK yet. It doesn't make any sense, but it exists.
Gotta love absurdism.

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan British engineering at its peak performance. Lay down the fish and chips mate and fix the fucking issue.

@ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat I always considered him Ben Shapiro's political mirror reflection, but now I'm convinced they could be each other's shadow.

@mrhorsetwat @ButtWorldsMan
That's the whole purpose of an open relationship.
Why wouldn't he enjoy the only benefit of being a willing cuck, where you get to enjoy the dick and cum of other men without being immediately flagged as a faggot?

@ButtWorldsMan I see nothing funny. I see a female doing what female nature and society encourages her to do. I see a male suffering the effects thereof.

Are you ready to stop this in the name of your pride and your self-respect, western man?
I know what it is to have no self-respect and therefore not fight back or even speak against it; so, I feel compassion for men in this situation. A precious few can save themselves by their own will, but it is the only way to be saved.

@DoubleD you're a nice guy. Too nice for dildos like destiny.

@ButtWorldsMan I see the personal injustice against all that the archetypical male has striven centuries to build: a world of order opposed to the forces of disintegration--without by other males and within by their own females--for that is what this is: disintegration. It is a mental diaspora of the wiser faculties of the male mind for the sake of social acceptance and a pittance of pussy.

I am reminded though that such is the fate conceded by the weak of spirit and the destitute of will.

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