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@tournel I do think a good part of this only comes down when some significant players collapse. Much of this shit is imbedded with the current system world wide.

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@Zeb @DoubleD

I agree that there will be pockets of freedom in many places.

Here's what else we're going to see - people forced by necessity to become deadly serious about values, meaning and purpose.

I predict that through that effort, people will discard fairweather ideologies. Everyone will undergo their own reinvent-the-wheel process.

Some will finally understand why true things persist, other won't. Billions must learn.

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Religion is not stupid, slavish or "herd mentality". Historically, atheism is a very young and arrogant worldview that has never held cultural power like this before anywhere and is currently failing hard everywhere.

Religion is 100% necessary for large groups of people to co-exist and thrive across generations.

If you don't understand that then go through history. It is littered with endless cycles of corrupted versions of religion emerging and failing, over and over.

@RodrickSage This is pretty gay. Yeah, the system sucks. Doing the most work for yourself while minimizing the work you need to do to be 'successful' in the system without getting hard fucked by it is the ideal. The system of destroying dignity should pass by the wayside in our life time at least. We'll deal with whatever hand we're dealt though.

@UncleIroh @Zeb @Pain66 @DoubleD @Mommy @Mongoliaboo I would be perfectly contented with it being banned digitally. My mind leans towards physical means and red light districts to contain general degeneracy aside from TWRA obviously.

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@Zeb @Pain66 @DoubleD @Mommy @Mongoliaboo

And when I say SOME laws, I don't want a society that allows necrophilia, bestiality and incest.

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@Zeb @Pain66 @DoubleD @Mommy @Mongoliaboo

Nuanced take.

I can admit that porn is a social weapon and there are documented cases where nation states have deployed it to break morale and weaken families (Israel to Palestine is the obvious one).

I can also admit that an excess of porn, like all pleasures, can be damaging to men, and boys in particular.

Banning it? I'm undecided.

There should be SOME laws, even though ultimately this battle can only be fought by every individual.

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey I believe this was already a thing, but perhaps I am thinking of guided bombs instead of artillery. Still 'dumb' guided munitions have been around for some time now.

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@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey If this is the case all I can care for is any power missing is filled by people more determined than those on board about BRICS and their own existence

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For what it's worth, I did a keto hotdog taste test. I bought 100% beef hotdogs from Costco, Sam's Club and some Ballpark hotdogs to compare them to a name brand.

The Ballpark dogs were the worst. The Sam's Club ones were thicker than my hot dog toaster (yes I have a hot dog toaster) could accommodate, but the Costco hot dogs were the clear winner.

Get the "bun sized" hotdogs, BTW.

Also, if you eat 6 hot dogs with high fiber keto-buns over a single day, be prepared to fart and shit all day.

@sardonicsmile Nah, it isn't to say men don't often desire other things, nor resources, nor love those things or themselves. But by far most men are going to value legacy, family, community when they have more than most things.

The wrong comes in when you tie it to just that and only that in an environment where they have no authority beyond themselves. This is why though men can also cultivate the world beyond themselves and be responsible for their own means as a love to themselves. Same diff

@sardonicsmile I see love as cultivation of others and the sacrifice & fulfillment around doing so. The best extension of this is a son(s), likely followed by male family, followed by heirs, and god children sort of deals. Men are what they make and desire to content themselves with. That is the love of the world.

@sardonicsmile Love to the extension of what men can build and do beyond themselves. Fortunately for societies men find this in working on homes and projects they can build. Many men can still find contentment among it themselves. Most men find it goes much further when they can cultivate it in not just another man, but a son or heir. It isn't about 'the woman'. Rather what a man can make of a home while a wife remains a 'loyal' tender that he keeps authority over and by extension his children.

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You don't hate regime media enough. You think you do. But you don't.

@sardonicsmile Family is purpose and the extension of a man's love and care for the world in a just society led by men. It is entirely a trap and a burden when a society led by women and evil do attempt to enslave men.

@Wopu benefits to buying used is most issues are known manufacturing wise so look into specific years, parts availability, and general mileage/wear issues each specific vehicle has. Also carfax histories. Not ideal, but if you are looking at a dealership vehicle always get your own mechanic's opinion.

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