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Bivalent Boosters are less effective against the XBB.1.5 variant just only three months after vaccination.

So now they will be test new drugs on our food supply. ⚠️

What do you think of this?

@basedbagel @houseoftolstoy I’m just speculating here but maybe some people are better at absorbing the spike proteins in the body, maybe they inherited a gene that fully prevents the vaccine from completely integrating into their DNA, or maybe they have a stronger immune system.

@basedbagel @houseoftolstoy I think it’s definitely possible because of how genetically diverse the human population is, I mean most people have different kinds of blood types and immune systems and are less susceptible to certain diseases. Although I would say the boosters would probably negate the advantages as you continue to get them, but maybe some people have a stronger defense against foreign agents like spike proteins and mRNA, because the body has a natural defense against rogue rna.

@sardonicsmile The forest has grown to wild. There’s too many weeds, parasites and invasive species that are leeching off of it, and in order to restore the natural beauty of the forest it must be cleansed through a purging fire.

@houseoftolstoy @basedbagel I think I saw in a source, I can’t remember where but it could be possible that people who succumbed to either death or disability from the vaccines did within a few weeks to a month of getting the vax. So maybe there’s like a window for people who are susceptible to bloods clots or myocarditis, and if you pass the window maybe you have a genetic advantage.

@UncleIroh @mutageno I like the analogy that America is a rotting corpse and the dems are rooting for the maggots, while reps are rooting for the corpse.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic we are getting too much exposure :( , the system will retaliate , shame ddj was a cunt , such a good thing going

@mutageno one explanation why women own more homes, is because they keep their homes after divorce far more often than men. It’s usually the guy moving out so that could be primarily driving the statistics.

People don’t value the truth, most people are not curious they value comfort and do not want to confront harsh realities.

Total debt: $31.4 trillion

Annual interest paid on debt: ~$1.2 trillion by 2024.
Annual tax revenue: $4.9 trillion
Annual Deficit: $1.4 trillion Loss
Projected 2023 Deficit: Over $2 trillion

Maybe it is time to make a few changes before we run this into a brick wall?

CBDC is coming. 🧐
But it doesn’t really fix any of the current issues.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.