"We are witnessing a huge culture shift."
Here comes the tunnel tribe begging the government to implement price controls on food.
For what it's worth, I did a keto hotdog taste test. I bought 100% beef hotdogs from Costco, Sam's Club and some Ballpark hotdogs to compare them to a name brand.
The Ballpark dogs were the worst. The Sam's Club ones were thicker than my hot dog toaster (yes I have a hot dog toaster) could accommodate, but the Costco hot dogs were the clear winner.
Get the "bun sized" hotdogs, BTW.
Also, if you eat 6 hot dogs with high fiber keto-buns over a single day, be prepared to fart and shit all day.
so some people want to pay the fines Trump is going to get cuz of the gag order if he debates with Biden. and they are calling that election interference.
ignore the fact that a presidential nominee is on trial in election year with a gag order and will be fined. no, no, how dare the people who are willing to pay the fines for the gag orders....
It finally begins, the closing of the trap.
A serious question to everyone: when do you think the west will finally forbid people from LEAVING its borders?
We see far too much tone policing and worrying about feelings rather than being able to talk about objective and practical solutions. This would not be necessary in the first place if a sizeable chunck of our voters were not overly emotional l, low information voters. This is mostly applicable to women, but there are men like this too.
And we see the results of caring about tone and feelings. Things are going down the drain.
What is kefir? You're about to find out! 🥛