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I was listening to an Academic Agent stream about why the UK Reform party failed and he blames "the Eternal Boomer" who has a NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude, but otherwise doesn't care about what happens to society.

The Boomers are overwhelmingly women at this point (male life expectancy being what it is).

The "eternal boomer" is just an old women who wants to be taken care of and is morally retarded. Women have NEVER given a shit about abstractions like "order".

It was only a matter of time before we got an anime about "a man who falls in love with his maid robot".

Enjoy ..

Traps prove just how much of what we think women look like is clothing and make-up. Only because real women are so fake, are fake women even possible.

Isn't it ironic that the people keeping this anti-male, anti-freedom and anti-individualism system afloat, are neither women, Jewish nor welfare sponges?

It's men, it's the average "not my problem"/"just following orders" schmuck. Not only do they accept the slavery, they enable it everyday.
Those who think they were "brainwashed" haven't interacted with them enough. Their passive-aggressive nature and subversive behavior is genetic to some extent.

So who's the real enemy here? Not big pharma.

@Tfmonkey Remember Dave Chappelle's SNL monologue? I can't find the full video on YT anymore. But I downloaded this and you might enjoy it more now than when it happened.

Imagine beign a vegan fag who is going to jail bc they want their kids to grow up vegan and malnourished.

And take a carrot up their butt.

are retarded.

One thing I like about the 2024 presidential debate is that both candidates got to talk about their time as president. It's a rare thing in the US to have two presidents who have served a term campaigning for a second term. Maybe it would be a good thing if presidents couldn't serve consecutive terms.

Women expects husband to kill teenagers she was too weak to defend against and go to jail.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.