It just occurred to me that with the whole H1B thing, Trump was not even supposed to be alive to preside over it.

It was set up so either Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley or Kamala Devi Harris, both pajeets would oversee the pajeet invasion.

Good news, everyone. Every country has condemned Israel for genocide except USA. ZOG has shrunk overnight.

Breaking news, everyone. One of the biggest purveyors of society decaying cultural cancer is concerned about societal trust.

Channel 5 interviewed Mexican hookers and sex tourists in Tijuana. Mexican hookers seem to be about as immoral as your average American (non-hooker) woman. However, they come across as more intelligent, and are capable of taking responsibility for their own actions.

It shows how much impact culture (men) can have. Remember, these are full-time hookers, we are selecting for Mexico's worst here.

My old well paying US contract job got outsourced to an India design firm for half the rate. Found out later from a direct employee most of the outsourced work was complete shit.

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