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Monkey see, monkey do.

It's not the Joo, it's a Zionist minority mostly of white-looking Jews and they only care about Israel. The pods and the bugs, you'll own nothing and be happy? That's the Globalists! The ones based in Europe, you know, the territory conquered by the US and Israel in WW2.

When I think I seen it all. But this universe can always surprise.

Jeffrey Sachs on US foreign policy: "the US, in this regard (middle east), does not have an independent foreign policy, it is run by Israel"

Things that I learned on TFM's show:

All women will cheat on you, none of them are loyal.

Unless they're Jewish, in which case their kosher upbringing/genes naturally make them better people. If anyone cheats or breaks up with their partner, it will be the goy, motivated by antisemitic beauty standards, such as a visceral hatred for small eyes that point in different directions.

A good Jew has crossed eyes, for one of them is always looking at God. We simply are unworthy of the Jewish woman:

Elections are a cheap substitute for civil war, but they’re only useful if it's only military-aged men that are voting.

Did you know in Mar-a-Lago there's a large sculpture of a goat covered in $100 bills? And each of these bills has Tump's face instead of Benjamin Franklin's and says "In Trump We Trust". The goat is also standing on top of what looks like scorched soil with American flags drawn on the sides.

This is a very obvious representation of a Judas goat, a goat trained to lead the sheep to the slaughterhouse.

They're laughing in your face and honestly, why shouldn't they?

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic I know that "the known world" is a common expression referring to the West, but Chinese culture has had numerous empires that spanned thousands of years.

We need to settle on one definition of "known world" that doesn't keep changing. I am aware this sounds pedantic; just think about China's history.

@Tfmonkey El Salvador has transformed their prison system for inmates are not in gangs and did not commit murder. They teach them skills and put them to work. They even have a university in the prison.

Well well well .. turns out that Jack The Ripper isn't a cold case mystery after all.

DNA evidence proves that the Victorian serial killer was in fact an immigrant Polish Jew, Aaron Kosminski.

When I hear about US and their tipping

Not only for basic thing they should do. But waiters are so arrogant compare to how useless they are. When they are basically customer paid servants

IMO waiters are just for lazy boomers that want to feel special

It is so fucking hard to get to the front desk choose meal wait when they call your order and sit down to eat like many businesses and fastfood do

Not mentioning their presence cost you extra for the food

IMO they will not exist in the future

The question of whether or not Communisim could work in theory was settled before even the rise of the Soviet Union. Ludwig Von Mises correctly identified the problem with all socialism, communist or otherwise: there is no method for economic calculation without the market.

We do not need to have this discussion again. If socialism is to be advocated then a logically consistent answer/solution must be provided to address this.

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