@37712 when it becomes a world wide digital currency and written into a treaty to stop nuclear war they will sign it
@viking @Wyliesau @GoodComradeLolaDaviet he turned it over to his son months ago that’s how Zionist do it,now he will retire on his super yacht with young pussy from every nation he ever exploited
@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey This is not the time line that they Live created for us to exist in.The sunglasses give you a headache
Watch Animal House then Falling Down enjoy TFM fans
@Tfmonkey @Zeb @Based_Accelerationist @37712 Halsey the Long nosed Protagonist
@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist @37712 @Tfmonkey Halsey is a inbreed Zionist,bordering on knuckle dragging retard status,useful to a point for those in power,bless his heart he is like the Rudolph of Jews
@NitroDubs @mesmer vice grips are your friend grab the cable inside the vehicle
@37712 @Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey Cut Monkey some slack haters,he has just recently been convinced that he has been wrong and humbly accepted the facts,I hate that anyone has to deal with this death cult controlling and warping perception thru time at their will,how does someone cope with that,it has fucked me up I have known since 87,when I tried to do something in my youth I almost ended up in federal prison,now I am a beat dog,Oi,Oi,Oi set the prisioners free
@sickburnbro @RealRaul @WoodshopHandman this style is called “the male manipulator” style,I got a 15 year old that has raided my wardrobe for this look
@Gonzo17 @nice-nigger @shortstories @VeganMGTOW Go run and tell yo momma that https://youtu.be/Dmvtfw6cohg?
@eriner Fuck Seize the grey
@Tfmonkey I thought Luna was like a baby not a Babe
@Scubbie @VooDooMedic @dander @mrhorsetwat the video is fake. False alarm everyone. Twitter is fake and gay.
@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey Max Headroomabella
@UncleIroh @RoninGrey @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey did you think all the money being put into A.I. by the Cathedral was for your pleasure?Everything is about control,a pyramid scheme nothing can exist unless it is under the yoke,backup what you can of your weird science created waifus and keep it in a private instance not attached to the interweb
Danger, nightmare
Doomsday, nightmare
Murder, nightmare
Nightmare, nightmare
They'll fuck with me subliminally
Die zeit der langen weile bis zum grossen bums