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@37712 @VooDooMedic @YoMomz homeless drug addicts are exactly where they want to be, so yes they are.

@VooDooMedic @YoMomz your feelings follow your focus. Focus on yourself and your own progress. As long as you're better than you were yesterday, you're winning.

Or you can always challenge your friend to a dick punching contest.

@VooDooMedic @YoMomz Instead of being resentful and jealous, encourage each other in one another's failures, and celebrate in one another's successes.

Doesn't that sound like a better way to live?

@VooDooMedic @YoMomz punch yourself in the dick 100 times and challenge your friends to beat your score.

There, do you feel like a winner?

@YoMomz @VooDooMedic Explore why you want your friends to fail to be happy yourself, and it likely sparks from an unspoken competition you're holding in your mind against your friend to see who the "best" is, and you feel you're losing.

That competition doesn't exist. You're making yourself suffer unnecessarily.

@VooDooMedic the competition is only with yourself. You should be happy for your friends who are doing well.

Live the life you want and be happy. How others are doing, both better and worse, are irrelevant to you. If your friend was doing worse that you, it wouldn't make you life any better, it would be exactly the same except your friend would be suffering.

So share in the happiness of your friends and stop trying to "win".

@Brianhere Groundwork for the Metaphysics of MGTOW is a great old channel, and Colttaine.

@basedbagel @sardonicsmile Guys want to be rich and famous so they can attract women, but they rarely think about what kind of women will chase a guy in a band, or an actor, or someone famous.

They are always gold diggers, always in it for status, and if they think you're going to leave them, they will do as much damage (sometimes fatal) on their way out.

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